[color=7bcdc8][h1]Wraith[/h1][/color] Wraith hadn't exactly been active in the days since their past missions. Honestly, she didn't feel as though she could be blamed for that. Contemplating morality and all that kind of stuff took a lot out of a girl. You know, that and having your nose broken. She could deal with the injury, really, but it made wearing the mask quite painful to do. And breathing. Other than that, though, it wasn't too bad. It at least gave her something to focus on other than her own problems. The nose thing wasn't something she could really hide. It really wasn't fun to explain to her dad, who was probably the main reason she hadn't left the house. She'd ended up giving him some made-up lie about tripping over and slamming head-first into a rock. It wasn't her best lie, but luckily her father was a very trusting man, which was a polite code word for gullible idiot. She still had to admit to leaving the house, though, which meant that she'd completely ignored his attempts to ground her. This hadn't gone down well. Apparently she was 'double grounded' whatever the hell that meant. From what she could tell, it was basically the same as being single grounded, but with a lot more shouting. And he was still buying decaf, which was basically torture. She'd actually looked up the Geneva Convention at one point, but apparently being given decaffeinated coffee didn't count as 'humiliating and degrading treatment'. Luckily, she'd thought of this, and was now stockpiling coffee underneath her bed. That was basically how she'd spent the past few days. In her room with a flask of coffee, trying to make sense of her life, and that was exactly what she was doing when she finally got contacted by Ditch. She sprang out of bed like she'd been stung by a wasp, and grabbed her backpack, where she'd been keeping all of her vigilante equipment before rushing out of the door. Well, if rushing meant speed walking a little. She winced slightly as she put her mask in place, and set off towards Racket Avenue. [hr] And so she'd ended up at their headquarters again, maybe ten to fifteen minutes later than she should have. Some people may have said she needed to work on being punctual. Those people did not understand the difficulty she had with remembering directions. She struggled with the things even when she [i]wasn't[/i] busy doubting her status as a vigilante and/or mass-murdering psychopath. Some things made you forget if it was the first or the second left, okay? Although, when she'd got there, it seemed like she wasn't late at all. Later than most of the others maybe, but not late enough for anything to have happened without her. In fact, she'd still had to wait there for about half an hour before anything happened. Anything coming in the form of Ditch holding a small child, and yelling at all of them about what was going on. Wraith noted some of what she'd said, but was mostly concerned with the boy's condition. Not with helping him - she wasn't that much of a bleeding heart yet - but with his condition. A lot of his wounds seemed fairly fresh, which was worrying. [color=7bcdc8]What caused this?[/color] she wondered, as several of the group crowded around him. This was followed by a second, much more worrying thought. [color=7bcdc8]Or who?[/color] For now, she walked over to Ditch. She wasn't exactly a healer, and if the kid was from this area, there was every chance he'd freak out if he saw her upon waking up. Wraith's reputation around here wasn't exactly stunning. She wasn't sure what she could do to help Ditch. There was one thing that might help, and she sighed as she opened her backpack, pulling out a flask. Still warm - these things worked well. Once she had a hold of it, she handed it to Ditch slightly awkwardly as soon as Omega was done talking. [color=7bcdc8]"It's just coffee. You look frozen. Might help you warm up while you explain."[/color] she kept going back to her worries from earlier. Why was the kid in such a state? She realised that she wasn't going to be much help with the situation in here, so she decided to settle her worries a bit. She looked at the pair of supers and spoke to them, her tone having returned to the guarded one she normally used as she dumped her bag onto the ground next to them. [color=7bcdc8]"Listen, I'm gonna go look around outside for a bit. I want to check that you weren't followed here is all."[/color] she said to Ditch. [color=7bcdc8]"You said the kid's eyes were glowing for a bit, right? Umbra's people could be anywhere, and even if they don't know who you are, they might have followed if they thought he was a super."[/color] she looked at the ground with a slightly forced smile. [color=7bcdc8]"You weren't exactly inconspicuous, from what I can tell. Just message me if anything happens in here."[/color] Wraith turned to leave, but just as she was about to go, she realised something. It would be pretty suspect to any spies if they saw Wraith leaving the building that a super had just entered. Kara Banks, on the other hand, was a perfectly normal girl. She took off her mask and tossed it over next to her bag. That would at least make her less recognizable. With that, she headed out of the door. To be honest, she'd mostly done this to sort out her own worries. She didn't really expect to see anyone except maybe a couple of random thugs. Mostly, Kara had wanted to get out of the room, with all of them being all selfless and caring and whatever. She didn't need to deal with seeing them being all morally superior again, even if she did feel a little ashamed about running away from it. Whatever. She just hated feeling like she couldn't help people - it felt like a reminder of how much of a failure she'd turned out to be.