Micky felt a little bit of relief when Alden didn't mind him joining, but he wasn't all that fond of asking 'Icy'. But, micky had to do what he had to do, even if that meant succumbing to some criticism or rejection. Micky couldn't hesitate more than the few seconds he already had so he just decided to ask. Micky took in a silent yet prolonged breath, and began to speak. [color=aba000]"You thin--"[/color] Micky began, but almost immediately being cut off by the end of the class. Micky looked at Mina as she walked away, obviously heading to her next class. Micky wasn't going to chase down the Ice queen just to join a History group, the possible outcomes of which were most definitely not worth it. Micky let out his breath and watched as the two students walked out of the room. [color=aba000]"I guess that's that."[/color] Micky said silently to himself. All of the students were already out of the classroom by now, so Micky then left too. Micky walked down the hall opposite the direction in which the majority of the class went, instead Micky headed towards the gymnasium. Earlier in the year, when students were picking their electives, Micky had decided to be more healthy and loose some weight in the process. Back then, he thought it was the perfect choice, Physical Education and Health. Looking back, he realized that the decision he made wasn't as thought out has he'd previously assumed. Phys. Ed wasn't an easy class for someone of Micky's weight, regardless though, Micky promised himself he'd never fall into a positions where someone would make fun of his weight, even if that meant pushing his body to the limits for months on end. Micky showed up to Gym in his usual gym cloths. Coloured mesh shorts, with a grey shirt that had the School's logo and name in a darker color. Luckily it was a Thursday, so Micky didn't really have to worry about exercising to much. Usually towards the end of the week (Thursday and Friday), the teacher will play a game with the class that usually has more to do with thinking and planning, rather than physical feats. Micky heard the bell and realized the class was over. Usually Micky waits for the bell to ring but when you're [i]actually[/i] having fun, time flies. "Take 6 laps and then you're good to go!" The teacher yelled through the gym. Micky let out a sigh followed by a whispered, [color=aba000]"...shit."[/color] Drenched in sweat, Micky 'hit the showers' and put on his regular clothes. [color=aba000]"First half down, one more to go..."[/color] Micky said to himself as he made his way through the halls back to his locker.