[img]http://photo.jellyfields.com/image/6321817167/z/i-k-o,alphaville,alphaville-noir-silhouette-cinematic-alley-venice-venezia-vicolo-rain-pioggia-trench-coat-hat-secret-agent-jean-luc-godard-tribute.jpg[/img] [i]A woman, and a fine one at that. All alone. The sun had just set. Everything was perfect. Gweyr would be able to hear the man's footsteps as he slowly walked behind her, features obscured by a black trench coat and hat. Beneath the coat where she couldn't see, he held a hammer in his right hand. Were she to glance behind, he'd address her with a thick accent in a keening, almost whiny tone, as if Squidward had combined his voice with that of the Kentucky Fried Colonel's.[/i] [color=a36209]"'Ascuse me missus, buuut I hafta wounda what a yaowng lady suchiss yasawlf is doon' aouwt 'n abaowt inna place suchiss this, mmhmmmm...?"[/color]