[@Ezmeralda] Tyme nodded in agreement with her, [color=lightblue]"I agree, we should get going. The sooner we get there, the sooner we get back."[/color] he agreed, though he wasn't sure what she meant by 'puddles'. He walked with the rest of the scouting group, staying mostly to the rear just in case they came across any Imperials and they identified him. Most of the trip was quiet and perhaps a little awkward, it seemed the troops under Katherine's command were uneasy about having a former Imperial among their ranks. He caught whispers of doubt between them, causing him to sigh inwardly, he didn't blame them for mistrusting him. He was Avenasian, a former Imperial, and he hadn't proven himself to anyone here. Now they had him accompanying them on a mission of importance, it was sure to be a difficult time if none of them were able to work together with him. When they stopped to rest for a bit, Tyme moved to Katherine, [color=lightblue]"Commander, I think it would be best if you and I had a little spar, it's always good to keep one's combat skills sharp. You never know when an enemy might show up."[/color] he told her. It wasn't long after he said that, that some soldiers spotted a group escorting someone. Tyme looked over at the approaching soldiers, spotting their prisoner, [color=lightblue][i]An Imperial, but how did they get here?[/i][/color] he thought. [hr] [b][i]Nitire[/i][/b] [@Leolycan] As you had expected, the moment you surrendered, you were stripped of your weapons. You were held in Dishva's prison for a couple weeks while the authorities awaited word from Moro Zera on what to do with you. Your peaceful surrender wound up being a very good thing for you, as the guards were not hostile and treated you with the respect and dignity afforded any other person. Hell, they even let you keep your armor, so that was a nice bonus. The day finally came when they received word, apparently Matriarch Luna Bladedancer wanted to see you in person. She believed your immediate surrender meant you had abandoned the Empire and were either seeking refuge in Tormin, or to enlist in the RSG to fend them off. Either way, you had caught her eye. It was only a few hours into your escort trip that the group started to approach another smaller RSG company, likely a scouting force. One individual had managed to spot you among your escort and approached the lead soldier, [color=lightblue]"Wait a moment, this man is an Imperial, where are you escorting him?"[/color] he asked. The soldier ignored him and approached the woman, it seemed she was the one in command of the squad, not this fellow. "Commander Ophelium, ma'am! We are Kerin Vegg's 43rd Guard Division stationed at Dishva Port, where we came upon this Imperial soldier. He offered us no resistance and willingly surrendered his weapons upon arrival; we received a message from Moro Zera requesting we escort him to see the Matriarch, that is where we are headed now!" the soldier told Katherine. Tyme looked at the man's wrist, spotting the familiar bracelet, [color=lightblue]"What's your name?"[/color] he asked.