[center][h1][color=92278f]TURN BACK[/color][/h1][/center] Turn Back didn't even pay attention to the conversation going on with Ditch, preoccupied as he was by the child. He was pleased to note that he could indeed lower a fever this way, however as he started preparing to check the boy's wounds the child woke up, scrambling away and crying out in fear. [color=92278f]"No no, it's okay buddy!"[/color] Turn Back cried, pulling his bandana away from his face. This was becoming a habit now... [color=92278f]"We're not going to hurt you okay, we're here to help!"[/color] He reached down and grabbed some things off the stage, never breaking eye contact with this unnerving boy. Holding out a water bottle, one of Tank's burgers, and his own warm hoodie, Jason smiled at the kid. [color=92278f]"Our friend found you out there, she brought you here to be taken care of. You're safe here, buddy. My name is Jason, would you mind if I asked for your name?"[/color] He set the offering down and pushed them towards the boy. On a whim he pulled one of the nuts out of his pocket and charged it with a tiny bit of power, his own eyes flashing purple as he did so, and the metal bursting with a small amount of fire that quickly went out. [color=92278f]"We're all like you... We can keep you safe."[/color]