[center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/anime_vicky/Valkyrie%20logo%20self%20made_zpsqlnkwmth.png[/img][/center] SHIELD Agent Victoria Parrington had been looking up files on General Ross before Agent Maria Hill interrupted her to remind the Valkyrie that she was late for her training session with the newly put together Avengers team by her friend and comrade Captain America. “Hm…” Victoria contemplated Ross’s hidden agenda. It seemed his grudge against Banner was due to his daughter’s involvement with the scientist. She could appreciate why he was the way he was over The Hulk. But Bruce and Hulk were two different entities. Just as she was. She was one in the same with Sigyn, the Norse Goddess of Fidelity. Little by little her past life memories slowly filtered through. Ross had to understand that Banner could not [i]control[/i] the Hulk. Victoria turned to Maria upon entering her corner section desk area that she used as a dedicated workspace before she became the Valkyrie. Back when she was your normal run of the mill SHIELD agent without any special super powers. Ah…the good old days when things were not so complicated. Now, she had Ross lording it over her in attempts at using her as a type of “Hulkbuster”; a renegade Asgardian back from her old life running about, her past life husband trying to make a new life for himself and to make amends…sort of. She would give anything for a normal life but fate dealt her another cruel hand. Perhaps this time she would find [i]some[/i] happiness before the next Ragnarok. Maria peered over Victoria’s shoulder to view the monitor. “Why are you so interested in Ross?” She inquired of her recovered comrade. Agent Parrington rose from her seat, adorning the usual black catsuit like leather SHIELD uniform the women wore. It accented their feminine curves rather well. Victoria was a natural Asgardian beauty with eyes as bright as the stars themselves. “I merely want to [i]understand[/i] his obsession with Banner. Misunderstandings are often the root cause of these more recent skirmishes. Take Tarene and Loki for instance...” Valkyrie replied with a somewhat heavy heart. Her soul reached out for the poor misunderstood Tarene. Someone she had much in common with – losing her home, family and everything to Loki. Ross blamed Banner for everything. Ross blamed her for allowing The Hulk to get away. As if she had any chance of stopping the green tank. She wasn’t about to argue with someone who could squash her like an Ant-(wo)man. Maria nodded. “I came to tell you that Wilson is expecting you in the training room.” Victoria had gotten used to Sam’s beckoned call. And most of the time she answered. Because she looked up to him, she respected him. He taught her how to handle her new found wings. Something that was now, very precious to her. Victoria had let the time run away with her as she noted the clock reading on her computer screen. “…Truth be told…I was going to hand in my resignation earlier but……” She trailed off thinking back to the Enchantress’s proposal. Something seemed off about the very idea. She half wondered if Amora would continue to harass her until she conceded. Maria was taken aback then. “But why? You’re the senior agent on the Avengers team. Cap’s relying on your SHIELD discipline and loyalty.” Valkyrie shook her head. “I saw the other enlisted team members; he doesn’t need me.” “If you saw who they were going up against right now…you’d change your mind…” Maria brought up the camera feed to the training room. Victoria frowned slightly. “Hyperion.” Or Agent Milton. Someone she knew within SHIELD. She hadn't the pleasure of working with him directly before. After watching the beatings Hyperion dished out, a faint smirk appeared on the corners of Valkyrie’s mouth. She could not escape the thrill she felt when using her Asgardian might. Even when “rescuing” the Hulk, when going up against giant serpents and Amora. Although terrible and drastic such events as they were, she could forget about her personal struggles for just a little while. Perhaps going a few rounds with the superhuman, ne-high invincible alien would provide her an escape from Amora and Ross. “Alright. Let’s do this.” Agent Parrington gave Agent Hill a mischievous smirk. She then exited the offices and made her way swiftly to the training room. There she entered just as the green smoke dissipated to reveal Loki. She could have let the sight of him enrage her. But he was not the enemy. Not today. Instead she flashed him a playful grin as she walked into the room with an air of grace about her. Her SHIELD uniform glowed with a white aura and transformed into the full glimmer of [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-60tqZ1hvwMY/U9J6PTTPHUI/AAAAAAAABAQ/K8nonVTV5hE/s1600/c.png]Asgardian golden armour[/url] around her arms, chest and legs and her trusty sword Dragonfang in one hand and her tall heater shield in the other. Complete with winged circlet across her forehead. “Two Asgardians walk into a bar…...” She walked to under near Chavez and acknowledged her with a nod. “With a time travelling superwoman and a gi-ant.” She readied herself in a defensive stance, bringing her shield up in front of her body. “Needless to say, the bar did not survive…” She flicked her long wavy brunette hair over her shoulder and pointed Dragonfang toward the power house that was Hyperion. “You may be a God among men, my friend. But I was a Goddess once. And I know how easily Gods can fall.” She looked over to Loki, Hank and America in turn. They needed to work as a team, if they were to win this. “Never go for the obvious kill.” She reminded her team mates. Her eyes looked Agent Milton up and down with a glint of rapture behind her eyes. She was going to enjoy this challenge. A pattern began to emerge here - she could not get away from men who wanted to hurt her. Perhaps there was still one out there who would not want to. [b]“Together.” [/b] She let her beautiful white feathered wings sprout forth from her back and her body lifted off the ground as she propelled herself toward the invulnerable target. A whirlwind vortex emerged from her wake. She relied on Loki's element of surprise in the heat of battle, he was the only one of the team she had directly witnessed in action thus far, she could at least read his movements.