Zane looked around curiously at all the new faces and especially at the soldiers unloading the boat discussing the undead horde on its way. He have a brief nod at that, he hadn't heard that particular but of information before but it did explain the then inexplicably large amount of weapons the forge had been ordered to create. When Zane had first arrived to the New Continent and told his superior officer his skill sets of both smith and enchanted, he had thought the officer may begin frothing at the mouth he was so excited. He was sent to work at once splitting his time the mostly silent smith and enchanted who spoke only in terse commands so as to not break his concentration. Zane assumed that he had been assigned a bunk at some point, but he had yet to find it- that was fine though since the forge was always warm to sleep beside. He glanced up at the flying girl the Lord had motioned too, he hadn't seen her before. [color=f7941d][i]'I really should get out more,'[/i][/color] he thought. [@Fetzen] At that moment Zane realized that someone was speaking to him, he turned and blinked at the large figure that seemed to be blocking most of the sunlight in a rather surprising area around him. He had missed the majority of what the possible giant had said except for the very end. Quickly lowering both his hand and hammer, Zane shook several of Agmundr's fingers and replied in a rather excited voice, [color=f7941d]"To help me? That's rather surprising - not two weeks here and already the Capitol has seen fit to send me an assistant!"[/color] Zane suddenly looked rather concerned. [color=f7941d]"...Err hmm. I am not exactly certain what to do with an assistant - you see I am already assistant to two of people at this camp and do most of the work there, so I have no idea what an assistant's assistant should be doing."[/color] Zane paused in his monologue to breath and think. [color=f7941d]"No, no I am afraid that it simply won't work at all. I am much too busy to have an assistant at the moment, I'm sorry to say. Perhaps you can join the construction teams instead! They could use a man of your size to help them lift their supplies."[/color] Zane looked over Agmundr once again. [color=f7941d]"Or possibly a wall if it came to that."[/color]