Listing to Ditch, Raven tilted her head in thought. Her arms crossed at the explanation. Course the woman fell asleep, she probably worked herself to it. Honestly, she was tempted to drug her if she had to. She did have some equine muscle relaxers in her pocket, and she did have a coffee right now. Soooo... No, not the time for that, her interest captured again. Raven knelt down by the woman, nodding her thanks to Wraith as she left. "Listen, you were disorientated, you just woke up, you were trying to get here, the child was hurt. We can ask him whats going on when his body is well, but for now, clear your mind. Its not the best action to push your thoughts when your shaking like a leaf in a winter storm." She could hear teeth chattering, words were strained, trying to remember. "Least you got him out of there. If Umbra got Lava king like I been thinking, than he wouldn't stand a chance if the child is useful to his plans. Someone's going to have to figure out if he has family." Hearing a cry from the stage however, had caused her head to turn. The albino standing only to hear Jason handle it. Offering a wave to the trembling thing, she shook her head. "Are you aright little one? Do not worry, you have nothing to fear from us." Her voice changing pitch, she offered a smile. A calming air about her, one that had calmed down pray animals when they thought they were about to be killed. Still, she did not advance, she had a raven skull on her head after all.