[h3][color=faeba2]Celty the Mawile[/color][/h3][b][Outskirts of Valiant Village][/b] [@Iatos][@Polaris North][@Noklu] It had been a long, tedious trek, and Celty was already feeling dizzy with hunger. Letting out a soft groan, the Mawile pulled forward a satchel that she had been carrying. [color=faeba2]"I was hoping to save this, but..."[/color] Opening her tiny mouth, Celty grabbed an apple out of the satchel, and began to delicately munch on it. While chewing, she thought to herself, [color=faeba2][i]I wonder how much longer until I reach civilization. Valiant Village is supposed to be near here, but...[/i][/color] About when she finished her thought, the quaint village came into view. Finishing her bite, she let out a cheerful chuckle. [color=faeba2]"It seems fate likes me [i]this time[/i]. I hope there's an inn here, and I hope it's open, but... ugh, I guess it's pretty late."[/color] In the distance—past the trees—Celty was able to see at least two distinct figures, with a possible third? Definitely a third. [color=faeba2][i]Well I guess it's good to find someone awake, maybe I can at least crash somewhere...[/i][/color] Still munching on her apple, she continued along. Timing it so that she could finish the apple before engaging in conversation, she finally arrived. Before her was a Chimchar, a Mudkip and a Luxray that was seemingly passing through. An astonished thought crossed through her mind, [color=faeba2][i]Wait... KIDS!?[/i][/color] Wide-eyed, she looked to the Chimchar, and then to the Mudkip whom she had approached from behind. Moving so the pair could see her, she put her hands on her hips, looking the two over with a slightly stern expression. [color=faeba2]"What are you kids even doing out here this late!? It's dangerous! I just passed like... a [i]dozen[/i] hostile Pokémon just a few minutes out from here."[/color] Finally looking to the Luxray, she smiled somewhat, all while gesturing to the two children. [color=faeba2]"These aren't yours, are they?"[/color] Scratching the back of her head she awkwardly changed the subject, [color=faeba2]"I know you're busy but uh, I kinda need a place to stay tonight, and I'd appreciate any suggestions."[/color]