So I've spent a bit of time getting a CS together to be ready to roleplay as KoL here in the OOC. Here it is! [hider=KoL][b]Name:[/b] Knight of Lorelei ([@KoL]) [b]Gender:[/b] Male? [b]Homeland:[/b] Brazil? [b]Age:[/b] Late teens to early 20s [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Personality:[/b] As a roleplayer, KoL exhibits an absurd amount of self-importance. This gives a certain amount of smugness to his posts. This might be due to today's standards in parenting, as all children are told just how special they are. KoL is also an extreme weeaboo, using Japanese terms in English discussions to further break his grammar. [b]Biography:[/b] Approximately one year ago, a college student began searching for a place to live out his fantasies online. Video games were far to restrictive for him, so they weren't enough. He needed something flexible, a place to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, as whomever he desired. That's when he fell upon the land of Roleplayer Guild. Excited by this newfound freedom, he created an account by the name of KoL and jumped into his first game - "SAO - Living in Aincrad". Since then, he has been involved in a number of games, most of which are based around popular anime titles such as Sword Art Online, Akame ga Kill!, Angel Beats!, and multiple Type Moon titles. He continues to show such casual taste to this day. Now, KoL was not content just being in games run by other people. No, KoL longed for even more freedom in his freeform adventures and eventually began running his own games. Most notable among these is Boundary of the Crimson Sky. What's notable about it is that KoL deems it worth resurrecting in an identical fashion regardless of how many times the game fails to hold the interest of its players. [b]Origin:[/b] Account made April 2, 2015. [b]Skills:[/b][list] [*]Shitposting [*]Acting smug [*]Terrible taste in anime [*]Not English [*]Not Japanese, either [*]Creating two-dimensional characters [*]Deleting fucking everything[/list][/hider]