[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avalon%20Jones&name=Lickcurl%20Petite.ttf&size=70&style_color=CA63CF[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meork7PxTy1rb5q69.gif[/img] [color=orchid][i]Location - Jake's Cafe Interacting With - Kimberly Thatcher [@Anima] Miranda Burke [@Damo021] Riley Walker [@Nallore] Vanessa von Strong [@BeautifulSnow] and Alyssa Paige [@Meiyuki][/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] Avalon grinned as Riley mentioned a possible slumber party. Internally, Avalon was blushing. She may be cool and collected and incredibly flirtatious, but pretty girls suggesting night time activities was still something that freaked her out just a bit. She smiled and winked. [color=orchid]"That sounds like a fun time,"[/color] she said with a wink. Then Riley explained the trip to her and her face lit up. [color=orchid]"And that sounds like loads of fun! I'd love to come. Sleeping under the stars is no bother. And I can help you guys get the RV too. It's not like I have anything else to do anyways,"[/color] she said with a grin. [color=orchid]"But first, I must eat. Or it's quite possible that I'll wither away to nothing."[/color] She reached out and grabbed a menu, opening it up and scanning it's pages. She eventually decided on the pancakes, and waited for Vanessa to come take her order. [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charlie%20Elwood&name=TalkingToTheMoon.ttf&size=70&style_color=20995F[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/50eb5a1714a2e2818f7d409d4ed8eee7/tumblr_mvr2osSSgS1qf6aujo5_250.gif[/img] [i][color=seagreen]Location: Red Lake Cafe Interacting With: Sheriff Colton [@Lord Zee][/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Charlie watched the twins interact with their parents, brows furrowed in confusion. He'd met their parents before, and they had seemed pleasant enough. Strange, yeah, and the twins didn't seem to love them, but they seemed to be alright enough. But those had all been brief, rather rushed meeting. This was the first time he'd seen them and the twins together for an extended period of time, and he was, to be frank, weirded out. He watched as Gage came back and began tenderizing some meat, and then as Sophie brought both of them in for a hug. He felt an irrational feeling deep down inside. He couldn't quite understand it, but he didn't much enjoy it. When the sheriff walked in he figured he finally had a reason to get away from the twins and Sophie, and he walked out to the bar to greet him. [color=seagreen]"Hey Sheriff. What'll it be?"[/color] he asked, pencil and pad in hand, ready to jot down the sheriff's order. He'd met the sheriff a few times, but he figured he was on friendly terms with him. His mother was friends with him and had invited him over for dinner once or twice, after gun safety presentations at school that his mother had organized.