It depends upon the location, [@Silver Fox]. There are some locations such as the inner city, outer city and suburbs where prey scarcity is a major factor of the conflict. In further, more distant areas around the city it is mostly untouched and the expansion is in the pursuit there of is a major factor; it is part of why the Crimson Fang is such a menace, in that they blatantly invade the territory of others, and why the Second Sun are so hostile to any predator that enters their territory. In theory, to answer your livestock question, it is possible for them to try to "farm" them, but as of now? There's no such effort. [@Zetsuko], by myth I explicitly mean the perception of supernatural or impossibility based on false information or erroneous reports. The animals of this world live in a time where information is scarce, damaged and mostly lost. Their perceptions lead to why they might believe someone such as one of their leaders could do everything from raising the dead to sorcery. There are no entirely artificial entities created by mankind; even actual hybrids such as a liger or wolfdog are accidents from this period after humans, not intentional design choices. Sentient mammals were and are as explicitly as exotic as things were before the collapse of civilization, as the morality question ground it to a halt. The de-extinction of mostly Pleistocene animals was just a related event that too halted on moral ground. The creation of chimeric and hybrid animals using these same techniques had no momentum at the time. The vast majority of these projects were purely scientific endeavors and what few militarized sentient animals that existed and were employed were in secret; the events of those very few, very clandestine operations are lost to history.