[h3]Nitire Segundis[/h3] As the hours passed by, Nitire did his best to stay quiet and endure his time in the prison. It wasn't like he was surprised, he was an enemy combatant after all. Despite his calm demeanor, Nitire couldn't help but feel a little anxious about this whole ordeal, but the friendliness of the guards made it a little easier. Hell, he even had a lengthy conversation with one of the guards about his children back home... The entire experience was completely different from the horrid conditions Avenase prisons, and stood as a small example that maybe his choice was the right one after all. Despite all this ease however, the uncertainty of his fate still left a sour taste in his mouth. It wasn't long before he was let out of his cell, bowing his head humbly before looking about. This was certainly quite a display of force, an entire squad of soldiers flanking him on all sides. 'Well, this looks like this is it...' Nitire took a deep breath as he settled into the center of the column, relaxing his arms in an attempt to ease the discomfort of his manacles. The young man felt oddly at peace, walking in pace with his escorts as his eyes remained forward. With every step they took, his apprehension grew, swallowing his anxiety as he did his best to remain unphased in appearance. Suddenly, someone called out from the side, causing Nitire to turn his head. It was then that he saw a young brunette woman standing before a soldier who seemed to be sounding off some report. However, there was one other that caught his interest... And it seems he caught his too. "Nitire," the soldier offered readily when asked about his name, casting a broad smile as he straightened his stance, "Nitire Segundis. I'd offer to shake your hand, but you know the drill. Armed escorts and manacles," The young man chuckled, shrugging his shoulders as he eyed over the man beyond the guards, "What about yourself? Might be the last name I learn before facing the firing squad." Nitire absentmindedly smirk at his own remark. He had never been a prisoner, and now he stood in the presence of several enemy soldiers. They had been peaceful to this point, but the armed detail hearkened back to the brutal display he witnessed not long ago. With that, his smile faded to a somber facade, though his eyes remained on the man before him.