[center][img]http://mypst.com.br/media/game/NPWR00802_00/full-trophy_0.png[/img][/center] It looked as though Omega’s attempts to calm Ditch had fallen short. Seeing her up close like this, he noticed how awful she looked and it only increased his concern. When Wraith walked over to offer Ditch a flask of coffee, he noticed a change in her demeanor. She no longer oozed arrogance, but instead was pretty even-keel, maybe even a bit somber. He inwardly wondered if she was alright, but set it aside in his mind to deal with the issues at hand. As she left to check for potential threats, Ditch contiued her spiel. She had a real knack for leaving Omega puzzled whenever she spoke. [color=a0410d][b]“Ok...so you've found out why supers are disappearing....and [i] then [/i] this battered kid shows up talking about your father? Didn't you say he was dead?”[/b][/color] Omega furled his brow and shook his head. [color=a0410d][b]“I'm not sure which one I wanna hear first…”[/b][/color] A sudden scuffling caught his attention and he turned his focus to the stage. The child had woken up and scurried away from the others. He looked scared, though who could blame him? He was surrounded by strange people in masks and such. His eyes definitely glowed like Ditch mentioned earlier, so by default they all already had that in common with the kid. [color=a0410d][i][b]Just a few moments ago, he was this pitful little thing, and now he's on his feet without even being halfway recovered. Tough kid.[/b][/i][/color] [color=a0410d][b]“Well, Ditch, it looks like we're all gonna get some answers. Just gotta get you both to chill.”[/b][/color] Omega followed TB’s lead and removed his goggles, placing them in his pocket, and he flashed his best kid-friendly smile, speaking after Raven. [color=a0410d][b]“Yeah, little dude. We're the good guys. Just take it easy, alright? We're gonna help you get better,”[/b][/color] Manny said with a gentle nod. [color=a0410d][b]“My name's Manny.”[/b][/color]