[h3][u]Cosh[/u][/h3] [b]Deven & Keri[/b] The Alpha thought she couldn’t see him. His paws quiet and soft, skirting about the ground toward her location. He was low in his stalking position when he went in for another attack. The cosh’s jaw widened as his fangs sought to sink into her flesh, his mind focused on one thing: shedding her dust. To intend on killing her, he wasn’t away aware of another coming up on his flank. Before he could grip the foot, something sharp bit into his side. Blood oozed across Deven’s and the Alpha howled, his image immediately emerged from his camouflage. His large head snarled in reaction at the interruption as turned his side away from Keri for a moment and focused upon the newcomer to the fight. The Alpha’s nostrils flared, inhaling the information then assigning it facts. The individual was male who was in his twenties, his scent mingled with horse, as the Cosh darted in for a leg. If Deven reacted to slice the beast’s head, the Cosh jerked back then lounged for the outstretched arm which he would immediately seek to clamp down on. Thankfully, the man’s armor would protect him despite it making him slower compared to the Alpha. [h3][u][color=palegreen]Rathel[/color], Khan’s Office[/u][/h3] Rathel let the two rest, Lyn cradled and hug tightly in the older girl’s arms. Both sound asleep. He was quietly relieved that both had made it to the college safe and sound as he began to clean away the dishes. His vines wrapped around the delicate teacups, draining and finally placing them back upon the cabinet shelves where they belonged. He had just wrapped up clearing the rest away when he heard Annabeth stir, her body adjusting as she tried to watch the younger child causing Rathel to draw closer. Naturally, little Lyn groaned in childish irritation at being aroused before she was ready and merely shifted to her side, still curled within the older student’s reach. Her eyes closed with her attempt to fall back asleep, her body still exhausted, but the sound seemed to relieve Annabeth causing her to whisper a soft lullaby. When she finally ended her song, Rathel spoke gently. [color=palegreen] “Lyn might be more comfortable if you take her back to her room. I'll escort you if you would feel more comfortable and carry Lyn as well.”[/color] Before Annabeth could answer, the office door opened and a young vampire walked timidly inside. Her hands slowly released it when she spoke and addressed Annabeth. Rathel politely bowed his alien like head, his tendrils wiggling, while waited for them to finish their conversation. [h3][u][color=goldenrod]Khan[/color], Catacomb Entrance[/u][/h3] When Ssarak’s mind pressed a message against his, causing him to release his wards and allow the student’s words to fill his mind. His expression didn’t alter despite the relief he felt at not having to fight the demonomancer teacher. He was certain, had it come to that, they both would’ve killed each and that was a fight none of them would’ve won. [i] [color=f7941d]”We managed to talk him down. He saw reason once we all spoke up. The danger has passed, or at least the danger from Tyrael. A master Vitamancer also attacked us, and may still be in the area. I can explain everything I witnessed regarding Tyrael, but I can understand that you may not wish to discuss it in the presence of the Naga. They are survivors from Mesa Gaan, and both they, and some of the students, received injuries from the ridge hounds we were fighting. Fortunately, Tyrael did not actually harm any of us.”[/color] [/i] After the words faded, Khan stood there absorbing them but didn’t answer. It seemed the words had rolled off the Headmaster’s back and had little effect over the judgement already made. His eyes never removed from the fallen orc so if Tyrael’s tear had affected Khan, the headmaster showed no signs of it while he remained where he was. His arms were straightened and braced against the cane, his expression lacking any reaction toward the current teacher for the college. Cold was about the only way to described his reaction toward the betrayal of his trust. He was silent when Tyrael stirred, listening to the fallen deomonancy sigh then began to make no defense in his actions. No explanation in why he had betrayed a trust Khan had given him and merely accepted the judgment to come. [B]”We should not waste time. Name your judgement.”[/B] [color=mediumpurple][b]"Ah, greetings my lord."[/b][/color] Grey stated from his seat, his hands already putting away his quill and paper, while he addressed Khan with a courtesy wave. This brought Khan’s acknowledgement in a form of a head nod as he didn’t fully trust himself not to snap out at the innocent guardsman, his temper still flaring from the knowledge his trust had been flawed. Inhaling, Khan had been about to address Tyrael when Colette, Lucilia’s favored student, stepped forward. His dicolor eyes were drawn from Tyrael to her, immediately picking out the distress he had once noted on her during her visits to his office. She was carrying Baulder in a fireman's carry as she spoke to the out cold student, seeming to chide him about his position on the ground, then her voice turned to the headmaster. It seemed to be all that was needed to trigger his compassion since immediately his rigid posture relaxed and loosen into something more gentle. Her feet took her to stand in front of him while he acknowledged her presence with a single word. [color=goldenrod]”Yes, Colette?”[/color] For a moment the tone seemed to weigh with concern as well as a pain, his attention distracted for a moment. [color=lavender]"Mr Khan...after I bring Baulder to the surface...can we have tea?"[/color] Each word had been forced, their tone shaky and unstable likely due to her present state, making him assume she was terrified by Tyrael’s near attempt to kill the group. It caused a flare of anger to swell in the headmaster at being reminded it was him that had trusted the ill-tempered teacher in the first place. A matter that will never be repeated in the future again. His brow lifted in compassion then he spoke, his own voice kept calmer than usual with his free arm held out for the student. [color=goldenrod] “I’ll have one of Uicle’s golems take Baulder to medical. They can move faster and much better than my old bones, through it’s a little busy currently with the latest incident. Until then, please give him to me? Then I’ll meet you in my office shortly.”[/color] He chose his words carefully, not wanting the fallen orc to rush off to the medical wing and possibly make things worse than they already were. It didn’t help he wasn’t updated himself and had about as much as Tyrael would’ve on the situation, save that Mar was among the injured involved. Thankful that Colette hadn’t fought him, he watched her walk by and edge into the college toward his office where he hoped the stressless environment might help her. [color=goldenrod] “Tyrael, you and I will talk shortly where this matter will shorted out privately. For the present you’ll be escorted to Uicle’s officer where you’ll wait there until you’re farther notified by either Uicle or myself personally. Currently, several lines of trust have been crossed and treaded too close for personal comfort. This event… leads me to question my trust in you and my own ability to judge who is trustworthy anymore.”[/color] Khan stated, his arm adjusted Baulder’s weight and struggled to keep the student upright in his grasp. He addressed a gargoyle just outside the entrance to the catacombs to summon several golems for numerous tasks. When the stone effigy hopped off his perch and darted down the hallway, the headmaster continued.[color=goldenrod] “The Naga will be remain here since they are trespassers upon the College grounds and didn’t come through the conventional means, so the college protection doesn’t fully extend to them. However, they won’t be left unprotected and a full report from all those involved will be required, either written or oral. I’ve send for golems to escort the Naga to temporary rooms and Tyrael to Uicle’s office, the rest will likely help any student requiring aid to the medical wing. First I need to know who's worst.”[/color]