[@Iatos][@Ninian][@Noklu] [h3][color=f26522]Zaru the Chimchar[/color] [color=007236]Valiant Village[/color][/h3] Zaru listened to the Mudkip in front of him. From the forest huh? Could he be a traveller like his family was? But from how this Mudkip was acting, it seemed like he was more lost than what a traveller should look like. Before he could reply, however, a Luxray passed by. Zaru tensed up. That wasn't good. This Luxray was an adult and who knows if he would tell Spirit about Zaru's late night habits. [color=f26522]"H-Hey, Luxray..."[/color] He called out to the 'adult' and then looked down. [color=f26522]"Can you keep this a secret? I don't think the guildmaster would like it that I'm out here at night."[/color] It was way past curfew after all and only a few children in the guild had the guts to go out and explore at night. As for him, he was just hanging out here at night so there shouldn't be anything wrong with that right? Well even so, breaking curfew is still breaking curfew and he might get another earful from Spirit. And then suddenly, a female's voice piped up and a Mawile appeared. And she was obviously angry at them because it was late at night and they were still awake. Gods, this was the first time he got busted in a long while. The Chimchar couldn't even make up a proper excuse right now. So he decided to lay down the truth. [color=f26522]"I ain't tired but I just hang around the village."[/color] He stated his reason why he was awake and then gestured to the Mudkip, [color=f26522]"And he just found his way here."[/color] His statement was further reinforced by the Mudkip telling them that they needed a place to stay. Zaru looked at the Luxray once more. He hasn't seen him before really but that didn't matter, it seems he's part of the guild too. Maybe one of those seniors that always went on expeditions and just came back or something. Yeah, that must be it. [color=f26522]"Do you think they can stay at the guild for the meantime?"[/color] He asked Milton. Outsiders can't usually stay inside the guild if he wasn't mistaken but maybe they can make an exception for these two. If not then maybe they can go around asking the people to take them in for a while. He remembered the time when his family just entered Valiant Village, the villagers welcomed them with open arms and they even gave him a place to stay momentarily. They'll surely do the same for these two right?