[h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=forestgreen]Tranquil Forest crevice[/color] [/h3] The Totodile, Devon, raised up a clawed thumb to the thankful Riolu. [color=darkturquoise]"Hi Rico. And don't worry, I'm sure Lulu will make it. I'll be back soon."[/color] And with that, Devon re-approached the twisted tree he had fallen from, and sighed before hopping onto it and shuffling up it slowly. Using his claws for grip and some low hanging stronger branches. Eventually, he climbed free of the dark crevice and sprinted off along the edge of the cliff back towards Valiant Village. A slightly worried thought crossed his mind as he awkwardly ran on his tiny legs. [color=darkturquoise][i]Oh...Crap. He didn't tell me which direction this place was in.....Hope I don't screw this up....[/i][/color] [hr] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, Spirit's Guild[/color] [/h3] After hurriedly hobbling around the woods for a time, Devon finally made it to what appeared to be civilisation. The tired Totodile wandered out of the bushes and came across a group of other Pokémon gathered around a very large building. Looking up as he panted a bit, the reptile fist pumped as he spotted what appeared to be this 'Guild' place mentioned by Rico. [color=darkturquoise]"Woo! I think this is it....Ugh. That took it out of me...."[/color] His brown eyes drifted around at the edge of the group of Pokémon. Noting the species of each present. A Chimchar, a Mawile, what appeared to be a Luxray, a confused looking Mudkip, and a stern faced Lucario. This had to be Spirit. Devon gasped, and ran through the crowd of other Pokémon to stand in front of Spirit and make a bit of scene. [color=darkturquoise]"You're Spirit right!? The Guild guy!? Rico and Lulu are stuck down in a crevice just out in the woods back there! I think Lulu broke her leg falling from a tree or something too! They need help!"[/color] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Ninian][@Polaris North][@Noklu][@Iatos]