[center][h3][color=black]Milton the Zorua[/color][/h3][/center] He let out a loud sigh as he looked back to the others, it was truly an awkard moment that would be hard to laugh off. It was obviously a bit embarrassing to be caught this early, or late in the night but... early in the adventure, it seemed his night was over before it even had started and while truthfully he should be in bed, he couldn't help but to think that he at least was out for a righteous cause. The Totodile that had arrived just as he were about to tell the Guildmaster what he had found out confirmed his suspicion about Lulu being hurt, and quite frankly he was quite bitter that some other pokémon had rained on his parade and actually gotten praised for it. Now he was in trouble... and he had nothing to show for it... great, just fangtastic. When Zaru told him that they indeed were dead, he nodded slowly before glancing to the others. Well, perhaps he could still redeem himself in the eyes of fate, and alter good karma in his direction or something... there was now three pokémon that was not from here who probably needed somewhere to sleep. [color=black]"Welcome to Spirit's guild... My Name is Milton... Sorry about the Illusion, now, I suppose I owe you a room... come with me"[/color] he said as he walked into the guild, he knew he might as well do something right for the night. And thus by checking the room assignments he quickly found one with two beds to spare and one with a single one. He went to check on the rooms quickly and then leaped up at the reception desk to look at the pokémon. [color=black]"Well, There's a spare room in the far right corner, and a double room room diagonal across from it. I suppose you can stay there for the night if two of you don't mind sharing and someone can sleep alone. "[/color] he said and glanced to Zaru. [color=black]"Mind grabbing me an apple or two?... might as well die on a full belly"[/color] he said as he noticed Zaru heading towards the storage, with that in mind he wondered if the others perhaps were hungry too... [color=black]"Uhm, you all hungry or something?... I guess if I'm not going to see the sunrise tomorrow, I might as well make sure our guests are fed. "[/color] he asked as he sat there looking at least slightly like anyone working there.