Like a blinding light pierced his eyes Sinys's face distorted into an excruciating frown, causing his first reaction to be jumping away. The claws followed him as he had been retreating, taking away layers of skin and touching the meat that lay under in result. He considered himself lucky for that. Then had a short thought about luck being a made up factor that still exists. He no longer had the arrow in hand but pulled another one as he had been thrown back. Something that had been drilled into his body more recently. In a crouching position he landed feeling a tree next to him, his ears were ringing and blood still filled his nostrals. He panicked for a span of time from being pretty close to being entirely lost. His mind suddenly flooded with an uneasy sense of up and down. This had all changed after he realized he had been touching his bow. Somehow he had landed next to it making him question the factor of luck. And for that portion of time he felt his sixth sense start working again. As though the emotions had completely blocked it out. Taking his bow into a firing position he knocked the first arrow in his hand and waited. Something didn't feel right, and he knew just before he would have released had no doubt clouded his hand that he would have killed this woman thrown before him. The thought gave him the feeling that someone walked over his grave someplace. The instant later he released an arrow straight and systematically narrowed the approach of the beast. Letting loose at a fifteen degree angle left and right. It was the best he could do under the circumstances. At the moment he was just glad to get a breather. He might not have long to rest but he made the most of it. Then a sound registered in his mind, the twang of a bow became clear. Though the actual fact occured to him that it had been loosed before his ever were. The sense of safety washed out of him like Francis talking about grease. Though none of them would ever understand the reference or era this feeling came from.