[color=7bcdc8][h1]Wraith[/h1][/color] Kara had forgotten how much of a mess Racket Avenue was for a minute. She was quickly being reminded of this, as she jumped over her fourth pile of trash on her way down the street. She was trying her best to look lost and unsure of herself. If, worst case scenario, she ran into one of Umbra's people, hopefully she'd be able to convince them she was just a girl who'd gotten lost and wandered into the wrong part of town. Of course, the further she got down the alley, the less that seemed like an issue. There didn't seem to be any sign of life near the headquarters, so she'd headed down the alley a bit. She looked down the alley, and for a second, thought she saw some movement in the shadows. Without thinking, she ran towards it, preparing herself for a confrontation. She grinned slightly to herself. [color=7bcdc8]"I've got you now, you-"[/color] her words were cut off when she realised it was just a rat. She'd been about to use her powers to try and fight a rat. Suddenly, she was glad that there was no-one else helping her, as she watched it scurry away down the alley. In the corner of her eye, she noticed something shiny sitting in the mud. [color=7bcdc8]Strange...[/color] She was sure that that thing hadn't been there earlier. She kneeled down, trying her best to ignore the stench of the trash around her, and picked up the object. A bracelet? It was pretty muddy, so she wiped it on her jacket to get the worst of it off. When she looked at it again, she couldn't stop the look of recognition and shock that crossed her face. [color=7bcdc8]That's Umbra's mark.[/color] Good thing she'd chased that rat after all. If this had been left here, and she wasn't being attacked by who ever had left it, then chances were they'd gone. If it was a trap, they would have taken her out when her back was turned. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she pocketed the bracelet and ran quickly back to the others, making sure to shut the door behind her as she entered. She looked over at the stage, where most of them were. Looked like the kid had woken up. She headed over to the group by the stage, clearing her throat. [color=7bcdc8]"Sorry to interrupt your little bonding exercise, but I think we might have a problem."[/color] she raised the bracelet, deciding to explain in case any of them didn't turn around. [color=7bcdc8]"Umbra's mark. Found it at the end of the alley. There's every chance that Ditch's little rescue mission didn't go unnoticed."[/color] Okay, so maybe she sounded a little hostile about it there. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea that Umbra knew about them. Besides, best to keep at least some part of her confident persona from earlier. It was only when she was done speaking that she remembered she'd taken off her mask. Whoops. It wouldn't matter too much - not like any of them knew her anyway - but she could do without them realising how young she actually was. Too late to do anything about it now, though.