[color=00a651][h3]Meirin Kurenai[/h3][/color] Meirin was finished. Her spell was ready and now she can focus on fighting. As the knight charged Meirin swung her weapon at him from groin to head, however he was still too far away for her weapon to actually hit him. But not for the blade of water she drew out from the mud underneath his feet. She swung her spear upward, causing the blade of water to shoot between the knight’s feet and aim straight for his chin with enough force to possibly pierce through his skull, or at least knock his helmet off. Flourishing her spear around more orbs of water began to fly around Meirin. Each ball of water was no bigger than her fist, but with each swing the ball of water thinned into a blade that could cut and slice as well as any sword. There was also bits of rocks and sand mixed in to give the water some substance. Meirin stayed on the defensive and kept her distance from the knight while sending out her orbs of water to attack him, trying to overwhelm him with a barrage of slashes all around him in the chance she could hit a weak point like in his visor or behind a joint. [color=fff79a][h3]Myrn Vaan’Atisha[/h3][/color] Myrn allowed herself a few minutes of rest where she just closed her eyes and stabilized her breathing, almost napping. Her nap was interrupted when Lyamis touched her and applied some sort of medicine to her wound which made it sting quite painfully, causing her to weakly flinch out of reflex. Lyamis made a comment that Myrn might not live past today which just got her to smirk. [color=fff79a]”Perfect place to die. Just put me in one of the empty coffins and give me a nice headstone. Myrn Vaan’Atisha: Blood Sickness but mostly bleeding.”[/color] The pain made Myrn a bit sassy, but appreciates the help nonetheless. Darius took over patching up Myrn and he seemed much more knowledgeable about how to treat her wounds. It made sense since Darius was a mercenary and likely seen and dealt with his far share of wounds. She normally wouldn't allow people to just touch her like this, but she did need the healing. [color=fff79a]”Thanks Darius. I owe you one.”[/color] As he was treating her injuries Lyamis started to coil around her. She understood that he was just trying to keep her still, but Myrn was very uncomfortable in this position. She’s heard a lot about the crushing strength of naga tails and now she was at the mercy of Lyamis. Not to mention she didn't like someone touching her like this. [color=fff79a]”Oi! Get your tail off of me, I'm hurt, not crippled.”[/color] She said angrily as she tried in vain to get out. But as Darius started treating her wound, the less she worried about Lyamis and the more she was annoyed by how painful the medicine was. [color=fff79a]”Ow. Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Gods, why does healing hurt!?”[/color] Myrn clenched her teeth and her hands curled up, grabbing onto Lyamis’s tail as she tried to endure through the treatment.