[color=00CED1][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LjAxODJkNS5RV3hrWlc0Z1UyVmlZWE4wYVdGdS4y/enchanted-land.regular.png[/img][/center][/color] [center] Thursday March 21st, 2016 [@Ally610] [@TychosFullmeta] [@pockets] [@Great Sogeking] [@Thundercrash] [/center] [hr][hr] While the bleeding seemed to lessen, it didn't stop. With a sigh he decided to just get to the nurse's office and grab some bandages. He dried off his hand and placed the strap on his bag on his shoulders. Alden stepped out of the bathroom, slightly unfocused because of the wound on his arm and bumped into a person. He was actually at fault this time, "Sorry" the figure said, oddly enough, [color=00CED1]"No no, it was actually my fault, sincerest apologies."[/color] "Oh! Are you okay?" the figure, who he now noticed was Mina asked in a bit of a worried tone, whilst she stared at the lightly bleeding hand Alden chuckled a little at her concern, [color=00CED1]"I'm fine, just a little, annoying mishap during history."[/color] he said lightly, no hints of concern in his voice, [color=00CED1]"I'm headed towards the nurse's room, if you're actually [i]that[/i] worried you can accompany me."[/color] Alden continued, looking back and giving her a smirk, he was now joking with her and teasing her. Alden didn't know if she would actually come, but he started walking away, towards the nurse's room. --- He had gotten his wound sterilized left hand wrapped in gauze, with the nurse pulling out a wooden splinter from his wound. She also noted that there may be a scar, which Alden would be very displeased at, but it couldn't be helped. Alden found himself in the cafeteria, he wasn't planning on eating whatever slop they managed to put together because his mother already packed him lunch. Before he could sit down and eat his prepared lunch there was a huge crashing noise. Apparently two boys collided with one another, Richard and Largent, with Richard being the one at fault. This was going to be messy, Largent is known as a bully of sorts, and those weren't rumors, Alden had seen plenty of Largent being, with lack of better word, a douche. A crowd now gathered around the scene, of course who wouldn't want to see a scene of Largent losing it and probably beating up Richard. One of the most notable things he saw was one of the students, Hal, picking up a dirty tray nearby, inching very close to Largent, almost instantaneously he got the gist of what Hal wanted to do. Alden got up, and walked over, and getting being him Alden grabbed his arm with his left, bandaged hand. [color=00CED1]"You, you're not planning on doing anything stupid are you?"[/color] Alden said his eyes piercing through Hal, his eyes were saying that it was stupid a plan to actually assault someone, especially with these much witnesses.