((EDIT: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The rules have now been posted and I can't advertise after all. Any mod passing by can feel free to delete this or ask me to edit this however you see fit.)) I don't see any rules against advertising, at the very least not in the spam section, so it looks like my vile plot of self advertising shall not be foiled! Mwahahahahaha! So anyways, while the roleplayer guild was down I had created a website of my own. Although it has a roleplaying section of it's own, with this back up I don't desire taking that business away from the guild, and should probably only be used in the event of this forum down again. The main thing of this roleplay called Mortal Claims Saga is actually revolving around a persistent world that will fit much better in it's own forum rather then stuck in the roleplay section in here. There will be, if this is a success, a ton of different plots all dealing with this world. Posted in different areas of the forum are areas devoted to a certain location for easy reference. For example, there will be a volcanic area so all threads in that area will take place in this same volcanic area so we can easily find all the different stuff going on with this roleplay in that area rather then it cluttered randomly with all the other roleplays. The persistent world is a multiverse so characters from any world of your creation can join (unless they break the plot). There will also be a card game in development based on this roleplay which can be a lot of fun. Keep in mind that this is still in it's development phase, but it would be awesome if you guys would step in and help out to create the most fun world and card game you can imagine (or if you only want to do one then that's fine too! You're not force into the card game at all). Here's the link to the roleplay if anyone is interested: [url=http://mortalclaimssaga.prophpbb.com/index.php?sid=4a65f10be7d33d0d891b4d87fd50ce06]Mortal Claims Saga[/url]