I have a character I need to practice with myself, so I'll happily show you the ropes so to speak if you're interested. He's low/mid powered and fits in a medieval fantasy setting (though he isn't technically from one.) Think you have a character who can take him on? [hider=John Poppins] [b]John Poppins [/b] Race: Human Age: 14 1/2 Gender: Male Height: 5ft 7” Weight: 64kg Ethnicity: Caucasian, British Appearance: Already sporting tell-tale signs of growing into a bit of a beast with age, John has an impressive wiry build for one so young. His face is perfectly nodescript, if a little rough around the edges, and he has messy mop-like hair irregularly cut by himself with a knife. He wears a wrinkled and stained white shirt and tough brown trousers with ordinary brown boots. Atop his head sits an ordinary beige cap the sort of which most working class wear. He can usually be found wearing his prized possession, a stolen brown over-coat with numerous patches. His eyes are blue and his skin is lightly tanned and flecked with grey rock residue. Personality Traits: Shrewd, arrogant, aggressive, mischievous and sometimes even cruel. [b]Physical Stats:[/b] John’s physical capabilities are supernatural in nature, owing to his strange elemental powers. Strength: Dead-lift 250kg, other feats of strength roughly comparable to this level. Speed: Sprint at 25mph, near Olympic level acceleration. Agility: Slightly more agile than any living human with the reflexes to match, essentially peak human. Endurance: Two hours high intensity Durability: John’s skin is flecked with rock that increases the difficulty in piercing it or otherwise damaging him. It provides the natural protection of an average gambeson to all areas of his body on top of whatever clothing he is also wearing. John’s very bones are augmented by this same rock-like armour, reducing the severity of impacts and making them more difficult to break despite his size. Another advantage of this passive ‘rock skin’ is a slight resistance to extremes of temperature and elemental damage, roughly equating to 25% resistance to fire, ice and electricity. Due to the nature of this internal rockiness he also has a slight resistance to poison and disease of around 25%, essentially he has an all-round hardier constitution than any ordinary human. Senses: Peak Human, sense of smell is particularly acute to almost wolf-hound levels. Pain Resistance: High [b]Powers: [/b] John is an earth elemental and the polar opposite to his air elemental sister. His power is still in a fledgling stage and limited mostly to just throwing rocks around. He can: Use earth to staunch wounds, it sticks to him like glue when he requires it. Throw up to 10kg of rocks or less at an opponent at around 75mph up to a hundred feet and control their flight-path to a degree in mid-air (subtle adjustments, not full-blown homing missiles) though this control grows more precise with less rocks of lighter mass. It takes time to gather this much rock, so the only 'rapid fire' rock throwing John can carry out is little and often, when using his telekenetic control over rock, at any rate. Speed up the flight of rocks of around 2kg size so they fly at around the same speed as if they were launched from a sling, provided he throws them through mundane means. Change the shape of rock slightly to suit his purposes at close proximity, making weapons or rounding rocks or pointing them to serve an additional purpose when thrown, creating something like a spear would take a post. Throw up clouds of obscuring or debilitating dust around fifteen feet around himself, with more difficulty if the earth at his feet is wet and less if it’s dry and loose. Destabilise a structure made predominantly of rock by shaking it internally, he could knock down a brick wall with a turn to concentrate, or with a heavy enough blow smash straight through a brick wall. Make himself slightly more resistant to being thrown by essentially ‘rooting himself’ to the ground, or increasing his weight by up to three times by manipulating the rock in his body, both have similar effect but are useful in different situations Use very short range ‘earth vibration sensing’ with a radius of around twenty five feet around him. Finally, John is predominantly a fighter who utilizes physicality to win fights. His affinity with the earth provides him with support to this end, when sprinting he can unconsciously use the earth as a spring-board with each step, even solidifying softer ground to make it more suitable to his purposes, allowing him to reach speeds of up to 40mph for short bursts of thirty to forty seconds of sprinting (less due to fatigue, and more because it’s difficult and requires concentration, almost like running on railway sleepers). He can also use this ability in conjunction with rooting to quickly slow himself, though if he is going flat-out one step is rarely enough to halt his momentum and can simply result in him tumbling over. Ultimately this ability gives him an advantage in terms of speed and agility when fighting on his home turf, though he can’t concentrate on ranged attacks while using it. [b]Skills [/b] Boxer Brawler Street Thief Street Walker (Criminal skills, fighting dirty, certain knowledge) Excellent Rock Thrower [b]Equipment [/b] The Misleading Bag: John has a pouch that he wears around his waist inside his jacket that was found with him when he was a baby. It can hold as much as a modern day camping bag without encumbering him. It’s usually filled with food, a drink, and a couple handfuls of nasty looking stones a couple of cm in diameter. Weapons: Inside the Misleading Bag is John’s only weapon, a solid granite hook-handled cane of three feet in length that weighs almost ten kgs, John uses it in tandem with his power to swing it with more finesse than should be possible and hold it together to prevent it breaking on impact so easily. History: Born in Victorian London, raised in a middle class family, fled at nine years old, became a street criminal, thrived. [/hider]