[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/7/7f/Ant-Man_vol2_(2014)_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20141218151813[/img][/center] Fun fact here; did you know that when put together, all the ants in the world would weigh as much as all of the humans in the world? If they somehow possessed our intelligence and could learn to work together, it would probably result in a fair fight between both species. Now minus the humans and add in a whole bunch of tiny killer robots. That might not be a fair fight! Despite this, Scott Lang knew that they were needed if he ever wanted to beat the Bug Eyed Bandit’s bugs. He focussed, calling out with his helmet and attempted to summon his buddies from up on the roof. At once, the skylight through which he had fell through grew darker as his ant squadron began to burst through after him. Carpenter ant’s led the air assault, while the sudden appearance of a swarm of red across the floor originating from the warehouse’s main entrance signified the appearance of the rest of the troops; a mixture of Fire Ants and Bullet Ants. While they were more than capable of dealing with the robots themselves, Scott knew he wouldn’t last a chance against those things, especially given what had happened to the original Bug Eyed Bandit. Aptitoxin was what the woman on the screen had called it. Obviously the stuff was bad news. However Scott knew of one way in which he could possibly avoid it and so he activated his pym particles and willed himself to shrink. The smaller his body, the less chance of being stung. It also meant that Scott could punch them. Punch them hard. Leaping high into the air, he headed against the oncoming swarm head on. Such a move would have probably seemed stupid, although in this case it actually worked. Scott was surprised to learn that he was actually faster than them. On at least faster than it had taken them to originally react to his attack. As he managed to grapple hold of one mid-air, he came to the conclusion that the new Bug Eyed Bandit that had spoken to him on the screen must have been controlling them remotely. That meant that he had an advantage. As he proceeded to rip off the current bug’s robotic wings and avoid a jab from another’s metallic stinger, he activated his coms link. “[color=crimson]Hey Raz, any chance you can help deactivating these things? Must be some kind of external signal you can block? [/color]” He asked as he leapt to another target, the previous bug descended to the floor due to its lack of wings. “[color=a36209]Any chance you don’t call me by my name again? [/color]” Raz replied, his voice slightly agitated. “[color=a36209]Don’t really want a super villain turn up at mine and my boyfri.. [/color]” “[color=crimson]Little help first? I’m a little preoccupied. [/color]” Scott interrupted. As he spoke, another robotic bug attempted to impale him. He yelped slightly, letting go of the bug he was attacking, and letting himself fall out of the way. Luckily he managed to drop down onto the back of one of his loyal carpenter ants, allowing him to temporarily get himself clear from the bug on robot-bug skirmish. “[color=a36209]Yeah, yeah.. [/color]” Raz began, the sound of him typing on his keyboard echoing down his mic. “[color=a36209]I think I’ve got something Ant-Man, although it’s encrypted. Give me a minute? [/color]” Scott wasn’t even sure that he be able to last a minute, although he agreed anyway. After a quick glance towards the Fire Ants down on the floor however, he got a small idea. As he circled the mass of robot-on-insect carnage, he raised his hands upwards, telepathically contacting his ground troops. At once the fire ants on the floor began to move, with Scott willing them to pile together. Quickly and efficiently, two bright red hands, formed from the compacted ants, rose from the ground either side of the swarm of robots, mirroring his own. Now came the hard part. As quickly as he could, he commanded all of the carpenter ants in the area to get the hell out of there. As they began to obey, Scott brought his hands together. As such, the two giant ant-made hands followed suit. They slammed together, seemingly crushing the robotic bugs within. Unfortunately that hadn’t entirely been the case. While a large proportion, nearly half, dropped to the floor, the rest seemed completely fine. They shot out of the ant-hand’s grip with ease, engulphing them in the process. Before Scott could cry out in protest, Raz’s voice sounded off in his ear. “[color=a36209]Done. [/color]” At once the room grew silent, the buzz of the robot’s wings disappearing. The robotic bugs began to drop from the sky like flies, littering the floor below. At the sight, a smile began to creep across his face, although that quickly faded when he remember that some of the corpses on the floor belonged to some of his ants. After giving them a silent goodbye, he turned his attention back to the screen where the new Bug Eyed Bandit had spoken to him. Unfortunately, as soon as her control of her insects had disappeared, so had she, the screen now empty. Scott sighed loudly as he leapt from his ant and grew back to his regular size. It would seem that they weren’t done with this war yet. She’d be back. But why? Who the hell was she? Where was she now? And why had she killed the previous Bug Eyed Bandit. All these questions flooded through Scott’s head as he approached the computers once, although one remained at the front of his mind, one which he voiced aloud. “[color=crimson]Why do i always get the lame villains?[/color]”