[quote=@BlackSam3091] Or it doesn't have a lake or a port, and he lives in the houseboat that remains stationary upon a trailer, like some sort of eccentric hermit. [/quote] It has a port, just didn't know what to name it. It would fall under the 'etc.' part of the landmarks description LOL [quote=@Lord Wraith] Wait. When did the Rockies move East or is this world flipped? EDIT: due to the scope of this RP, [@The Kid Lantern] are we limited to a single character? [/quote] Completely got mixed up at 3 am, should've been the Appalachians... I'll fix that now... As for characters just one primary for now but if we need supporting superhuman roles we can create them as we need them for our own stories and such. Depending on the type of superhuman determines whether or not they'll need a smaller CS made so they call also be used elsewhere. For example we wouldn't need one for a Pepper Potts type of character or a characters' girlfriend/boyfriend or spouse, but somebody that could also be used elsewhere by another player like an enemy or shady corporation rep would need a little more fleshing out. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. ~KL~