Xaven sat and smiled as he ate, holding Vanessa's hand [color=GoldenRod]~easy beautiful, takes some getting use to~[/color] Xaven said mentally to Vanessa, giving her hand a squeeze, before he laughed a bit, taking her bottle. "yea, good idea" sitting the bottle down, though he could drink a twelve pack and barely feel anything from it, best to not over do it. Xaven and Drake finished off their pizza, Drake was licking his fingers clean of sauce as Xaven looked at his mother. "oh, your biting your tongue on something, what is it mom?" he asked, smiling. "i know you to well, me and Nessie both know that look, you want to say something, go ahead" he said, grinning at his mother, before Xaven nodded, taking the piece Nessie offered of hers. "this will be more then enough right now, we'll save whats left for later.. a snack. Drake grinned at Lesly, winking at her. "oh boy Drake, your in trouble i think" Xaven teased. "she seems like a handful" teasing them both now, as Xaven took Nessie's plate and his, grabbing the beer bottles and taking them to the kitchen "ohh, i dont know, i think i can handle it" Drake said back. "you want some more pizza or something else to drink?" he asked Lesley. "i'll gladly go get it for you or if your done i can take your plate" holding his hand out. ==In Town=== Ralph could feel the wolf a little more wild, and while cloudy he knew must be a full moon, tonight once he got back they'd be going for a run, blow off steam and all that. his thoughts were drawn when he slid to a stop, his ears perked up, as he heard something. turning, instinct taking over, he lept away from Tam's house, and moved deeper into the woods, fast. and good thing. he saw Angel, tied up on a tree, the smell of that asshole Rover along with Alcohol still linger. the problem was the Coyotes coming for Angel. kicking off the ground, he pounced right ontop of one, his mouth going around the Coyotes neck as he growled and shook his massive head, snapping its neck before he flung the body toward the others, snarling at the coyotes, his teeth bared, his hackles raised, tail stiff as a board, everything about his demenor was telling them to fuck off, they just lost one of their own, and if they didnt go, they'd lose their own life. Smartly, they turned and took off, yelping as they did. Ralph relaxed and turned around to Angel, he'd met her a lot of times, mainly when he met up with Tams and the rare times he was let into her house. he nudged her side with his head, before he went to looking at what was holding her to the tree, he could snap that easily, and Angel was a good dog, she'd head right home. moving to do that, Ralph opened his mouth to bite into the leash holding her, when he caught the scent on a gust of wind, his ears twitching around as he heard and smelled Tams, but not just Tams. [color=GoldenRod]~Xaven we got a problem~[/color] Xaven who had been heading back into the living room stopped, catching the scent in Ralph's mind as well as his words [color=GoldenRod]~Tams is Changing~[/color] Xaven said back. that was new, but sometimes it doesnt just happen at Puberty, it can happen later in life, it just triggers or it doesnt. Ralph left Angel there, he moved around the three and changed back.. luckly he'd kept a small pack of just his clothes nearby, he pulled them on, sliding into the shoes just as he came back to Angel. "hey girl, its alright" patting her side, scratching behind her ears. Xaven walked in. "Ralph needs some help, he just texted. Drake" Drake nodded and rose, giving Lesley's hand a squeeze as Xaven looked to Vanessa, she'd have heard his and Ralph's conversation. leaning over, he whispered to Drake to get a Medicine Bag and fast. Drake ran, moving to the fireplace, he moved a brick out of the way, and pulled out one of the bags, even smelling it made Drake sick to his stomach.. which was the point. inside the little leather pouch was three different types of Wolvesbane flower.