Name: Meridiana Lilith Veskai Nickname: Wrath Gender: Female Age: 24 (so, something like a century and a half in years?) Position: Arch Duchess of Helvete (General on the battlefield) Appearance: [IMG=] Species: Demon/Fallen Angel hybrid Family: A cousin of the Prince, her older siblings have all met with tragic accidents, Nahema (Demon, her mother, the Grand Duchess of Helvete), Samael The Black (Fallen angel, her father, Grand Duke of Helvete) Andratha (Demon/Fallen angel, her younger sister) Bio: Next in line to rule over the Helvete province of the Ying world, Meridiana is known to be calculating and power hungry. Originally fourth in line to rule the province, she was faced with a future of leading the local legion of knights at the behest of her older brother and sisters. With this future in mind, she was taught martial prowess, swordplay, strategy and survival skills from a young age. As she grew older, she led many of the best knights in the province on special assignments to put down threats and raid secret keeps just outside of Helvete's borders. But soon she discovered that the greatest spoils of HER victories were, by rights, the property of her older siblings. She grew bitter. But strangely, she took no direct action. Not even a complaint. Instead she launched a mysterious campaign to expand Helvete's influence to the east. A year and a half later, she returned home to find that competition for the throne of the province had all died under strange circumstances. Personality: Pragmatic, intelligent, ruthless, proud, intense and militant.