[@Ninian][@Iatos][@Polaris North][@Noklu][@Shiny Keldeo] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, Spirit's Guild[/color] [/h3] His mission finally complete, the Totodile called Devon sighed and sat on the ground where he stood after Spirit ran off to find his kids. [color=darkturquoise][i]Phew...Rico and Lulu are taken care of....Now onto the next problem: Who am I? I got a name, Devon, and I know I have a Dad, but that's all....I don't even know that much about Dad either....I'm guessing he's a Feraligatr?....Wait...No, that doesn't feel right....He's something else...[/i][/color] His deep brown irises glanced around at the other Pokémon around him. His tail moving around in the grass slightly as he barely paid any attention to their current conversation. A spark of hope crossed his mind. [color=darkturquoise][i]Maybe some of these guys know something?...No...I don't think they recognize me. Judging from those weird looks they're giving me....Then again, I DID just fly out of the woods like a crazy dude.....But maybe they can help me out some other way?[/i][/color] And luckily, the other Pokémon did have a way to help him. The Chimchar and Zorua that apparently lived at this 'Guild' place offered to let Devon, the Mudkip, and the Mawile stay for the night. A toothy grin crossed the Totodile's maw as he stood up to follow everyone back inside of the impressive building. [color=darkturquoise]"That'd be awesome! Thanks!"[/color] Once inside the Spirit's guild, Devon's head darted to each of the room's many features, and began to wonder what it was all for. What was a Guild anyways? [color=darkturquoise][i]Some sort of board with a bunch of papers....What are they for I wonder? I can't read them from here....That writing looks odd though. I don't think I've ever seen it before....[/i][/color] The Zorua on the counter introduced himself as Milton, and Devon stared up at him. Doing a short wave with his tiny clawed hand. [color=darkturquoise]"Hi Milton. And I'm fine with whatever. Bed's a bed. And food sounds great."[/color] Curious, the croc stared at the Tricky Fox for a few more moments before looking away. [color=darkturquoise][i]He's....A Zorua right? Huh....Are they supposed to be that small? I swear they were bigger?....Maybe I'm thinking of some other Pokémon....[/i][/color] The Mudkip finally spoke his name, and Devon replied with his own and a tiny smirk. [color=darkturquoise]"Hey Dylan. I'm Devon. Good to meet ya."[/color] Chimchar came back with food, which eased the now hungry Totodile. The call for sustenance having been of little concern for him while he was stumbling around in the forest. Taking the apple from the chimp, the tiny Water-type fell back on his butt and grinned at who he now knew was Zaru thanks to the Chimchar's intro. [color=darkturquoise]"Thanks Zaru. I'm Devon."[/color] With most of the intros out of the way, Devon went to chomping on the apple nosily. Ripping large chunks out of the fruit with his developed jaws. Then the golden question came curtsy of Zaru. Devon stopped munching on his apple for a moment as he blinked at the Chimchar. His expression blank. [color=darkturquoise]"No idea where I came from. I kinda just...Woke up next to a tree back in those woods. I can't really remember much of anything. It took me awhile to just get my name to come back too."[/color] Spirit randomly popped his head through the door. The Lucario seemingly appearing without a sound startled Devon. Making him jump a bit. And the words that came from the Aura Pokémon's mouth confused him to no end as he tilted his head at the doorway after he swallowed more apple. [color=darkturquoise]"'Meetings'? What's a meeting? And it's already morning? Was I seriously screwing around out there all night!? Jeez..."[/color]