Oh boy, if her heart beated any faster, she was sure it would pop right out of her mouth. No, more like burst through her chest, Wesley's stare was probably more intense than he had intended. Which was certainly saying something, considering that Nadeline was usually so poised and collected. Did he enjoy it? Maybe, she couldn't read him for once. What exactly was running through his mind right now? He hadn't responded to her just yet, and she actually felt...anxious? Wow, she hadn't felt such a way in a long time. His eyes studied hers carefully, and it seemed like an eternity would pass before he would speak again. She would slowly release a breath she hadn't been aware that she was holding, though she couldn't hide her rather hot cheeks as he would continue to speak. What was he saying? What did he mean? No, she knew, but was she ready? No wait what if that wasn't what he meant? Nadeline's mind was scrambling through every single possibility, though she would shift underneath him. No, no thinking, just acting. No, she was too nervous now. All that talk for nothing, it seemed! What happened to the days where she was the one in charge? Ah, they were but a fleeting memory now, it seemed, and what was worse, she actually found herself speechless. No, just a single word managed to escape her: "[b][color=fdc68a]Wesley...[/color][/b]" It came out so quiet she almost didn't realize she had said it herself, really. [hr] Savayna was acting awfully strange. Or rather, she was being very un-Savayna-ish. Grant watched her take a seat, nodding mostly to herself. Had he gone too far? Did he do something wrong again? No, had Grant done something wrong, he would have been more than certain he would have been corrected or at the very least yelled at for it. But no, the blonde woman had decided instead to perhaps get lost in her thoughts or at least let her mind wander elsewhere. Was what he had asked really such a shock to her? He thought she would be, well...happy. Or at least glad that he was taking some interest, but once again, Grant seemed to have done the wrong thing. Ah, the story of his life... Perhaps, then, a change of subject? Letting out a small cough to clear his throat, Grant eyed Savayna wearily as he rummaged through his own mind to think of a different topic. His eyes followed hers, though they led only to the other wall. The room was quaint, but it served its purpose, and for that no one complained. Grant slowly walked over, making sure not to get too close as he would raise an eyebrow at her. He may as well ask. "[b][color=92278f]Everything alright there?[/color][/b]"