[center][h2][b]Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo[/b] [color=yellow][b]Hana Kurosawa[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Hana looked at the back, lifting an eyebrow at the lack of response. [color=yellow]"I'll take that as a yes. You folks seem pretty tired."[/color] The medic finally chimed, before her attention was drawn to Asoka's attempts to use her as comfort ride. She gasped a bit when the younger adult leaned against her while fastening the seatbelt, and wiggle herself in her thighs. It was getting a little tight and uncomfortable, but Hana made no sound nor movement to denounce said fact. Well, maybe one comment. [color=yellow]"You sure love to be spoiled, Buddha-chan."[/color] Hana cheered before planting a small kiss on Asoka's head, much like a mother or an elder sister would have done. She didn't even bother to react to Asoka's spicy photos and miscellaneous texts she was sending. Two more prompts caught her attention, first the annoyed voice of Kaien which had been promptly shut up by Asoka, and then the raspy voice of Rin trying to emulate a seatbelt with the rude kid on her lap. The parallels drawn to Hana and Asoka almost made Hana chortle slightly. [color=yellow] "She's right, you know, being ejected of a car is not fun even for a ghoul."[/color] She added. Asoka's gesture about needing a shower, and suddenly removing her boots, exposing the smellbomb underneath made Hana crinkle her nose somewhat. [color=yellow]"That you will have. Hana-chan has smelled rotten animal carcasses better than this."[/color] She pondered briefly grabbing the socks and throwing them out of the car, but that would not be very polite towards her stepsister. She decided to focus on her remark about Rin, and not let the smell vex further. [color=yellow]"I heard she runs errands."[/color] She said out loud. The lights of the third district opened forth and right around her, and her companions. Some in awe, some in dread, but they probably provoked a reaction in most of the occupants of the car. Hana looked at the driver, Kaien. He was handling it very well, considering the circumstances. [color=yellow]"Yeah, turn right here, Mr Kaien. We're heading to Roppongi Hills"[/color] Hana said. [color=yellow] "Such a hostile, bright, inhospit ward, yes? But know, mr Kaien that sometimes, in the deserts there are wonderful oasis."[/color] She then pointed to a four-store building, a little aside from the main roads and nightclubs raves. It looked worn, but well maintained. It still had bright neon lights, but the content it alluded was rather different compared to their surroundings. [color=yellow]"And there it is, my clinic. All four floors are mine, in fact. I still make it bear the old doc's name. Sakura Clinic. My little oasis."[/color] Hana beamed to the occupants, as she smiled thinly. [color=yellow]"To answer your question, mr Kaien... The Mercury, Rinrin and Hana-chan are sisters who grew up under the same roof thanks to an old man. And the same building we found these kids. Thus what Hana-chan considers home, is also home for everyone who shared her roof."[/color] She added. It was then when she put a slightly more serious tone in her voice. [color=yellow]"Just bear in mind not many ghouls can be employed on a clinic. Most of my staff, in the first floor, are humans. And I'd appreciate if you didn't spook or try to ate them. Finding replacements is a bother."[/color]