Why did the Primeval seem so surprised? After all he had fought Shin-Ra Enterprises once before and knew well enough their stance on collateral. Which is to say that they did not care one lick about it so long as they got results. Eleanor and Eubeal were both powerful reality warping entities that had opted for this journey knowing full well that they might lose their lives, if a little thing like losing their eyesight was going to render them useless well it wasn’t Satori’s fault but she might deign to heal them with her dark magic later, and with that twisted logic her assault continued. Eubeal had not reacted in time to adjust his aim upwards towards the Pater so his plasma bolt was primed to fire straight ahead while the rock would be spiraling down. The timing was swift but Satori was swifter, her shadows already in place thanks to their deft defense against the falling treeline and reacting with the frightening speed of fleeing shadow, which is to say nigh instantly. She needed no eyes, she saw through the darkness and could hear the drop of a pin in concert, even her skin was sensitive enough to see the Primeval as clear as day from the way it displaced the atmosphere. That she wasn’t crippled with pain was a testament to the inhuman thing she had become and went well in line with the way she was laughed at losing her eyes. Though he had tricks up his sleeves nothing he could do short of killing her would free him from her assault and even then there was no guarantee she could not strike back from the grave. The boulder would smash into the Pater, unheeded by the kinetic shot which had been timed all along to land after the rock struck, if Eubeal's bullet struck at all it would be after the rock had shattered but more likely was that it would sail harmlessly beneath the dogfight. When the rock shattered against him and even if it broke beforehand thanks to the kinetic shot the hand of shadow would reach through to grab the beast and smash it to the ground. This was the Princess of Darkness’ guarantee to all who fault her, relentless and remorseless, regardless of what she faced. And once he was on the ground he would be whittled away until the only thing left was a miles long smear of acidic blood and leather flesh.