[b]Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday[/b] The combined attack upon the small shadow seemed to have a serious effect as it was sent reeling - for a moment, Kotori felt hopeful that they might for once be able to bring down the shadow in just one attack. Unfortunately, however, this quickly turned out to not be the case at all as the small shadow really did buckle beneath the hail of magical and physical attacks - but rather than cause the enormous shadow behind it to dissolve, this only seemed to anger it. Tearing its shackles apart outright, it immediately took a swing at the group, sending Kotori fleeing as quickly as she could out of the way of its enormous fists; narrowly avoiding being struck. A frightful moment passed when she looked behind herself and saw that Alexei stepped right into the path of the giant's attack - but then, together with his persona, stopped the blow mid-swing. At first, Kotori was just left to blink in disbelief at the sheer disparity of sizes between the giant and Alexei - but she quickly recovered when she saw him straining to contain the massive enemy's power even with the aid of Prometheus. [color=green]"Diarama,"[/color] she called to Kikuri-Hime - but just as the healing light enveloped Alexei, the shadow gave a bellowing roar. Looking up, she only saw the aftermath of Rui's attack - Askr's dealt the final blow to the shadow as Rui leapt down and landed safely; the shadow slowly falling backwards and dissolving into nothingness as it did so. Kotori breathed a sigh of relief - once again, they'd managed to defeat the shadow without any serious injuries. As Ryan, encouraged by Rui, stepped forth to speak with his reformed shadow, she used the moment to catch her breath. And as she did, she once again felt more than a little awkward at being present to hear another person talk about their inner secrets as Ryan, spurned on by the events that had transpired, elected to give other people a chance rather than just shut himself off - which brought a small smile to Kotori's face when she remembered the circumstances of her own shadow. With Ryan's acceptance of himself, the shadow began to glow before transforming into a knightly figure, armed with a rapier and clad with a single wing before dissolving; leaving Ryan to turn to Rui for answers - but that would have to come at a later time as, like most of those before him, the strange fatigue overtook him. But before they could celebrate a successful rescue however, Ayano informed them that the other group was still facing stiff opposition - leading Rui to send Alexei and Sato to bring Ryan to the hospital whilst she would accompany him and aid the others. Luckily, Kotori had managed to recover from the exertion and quickly nodded that she was ready as Sato headed off with Alexei who carried Ryan; an almost comical sight given the difference in stature between them if circumstances weren't so dire. [b]Kotori Shirohane - Play of Control: Backstage Penthouse | Sunday[/b] [color=green]"Kikuri-Hime, Media,"[/color] Kotori called, a little out of breath once more, after arriving on the scene and seeing the beat-up state that everyone seemed to be in after the long battle they had found themselves in; hoping to ease any pain the might have and let them fight on more effectively. It seemed that the enemies were simply re-appearing whenever they brought them down and thus never quite managed to take enough down to make an real attack upon the main shadow; much to the displeasure of most of those present it would seem, given their rather frustrated faces. A quick nod from Kotori followed once more as Rui ordered Kazuki, Matthew and herself to keep the shadows busy whilst he, Noboru and Akane would prepare something to take them down. Drawing on Kikuri-Hime once again, Kotori summoned a lightning bolt down upon the first shadowy minion to draw near; a thunderous crack accompanying the bright flash even as the continued fighting was starting to feel increasingly physically taxing despite being mostly magical in nature.