[@Ninian][@Noklu] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon the Totodile[/color][/h2] [h3][color=khaki]Valiant Village, Spirit's Guild[/color] [/h3] The offer given by Celty was nice, but Devon shook his head in reply. [color=darkturquoise]"Thanks for the offer Celty, but I think I might just try to check out around here for now. These guild guys seem cool."[/color] Dylan, the odd little Mudkip next to Devon, finally spoke up. Apparently he too was curious about Devon's apparent case of amnesia. The Totodile shifted from where he sat slightly to face Dylan standing awkwardly near him. Then nodded with a frown. [color=darkturquoise]"Yep. And I don't remember anything besides my name, and just the fact that I have a Dad. It's fine Dylan, you're not prying dude. I keep trying to remember other things but...."[/color] The crocodile sighed before shrugging his shoulders. [color=darkturquoise]"I still can't find anything...I'm just hoping more of it comes back soon...."[/color] His strange brown eye's focused on Dylan's, his brow raised a bit. [color=darkturquoise]"Hold on, you said 'You have amnesia [i]too[/i]'...You having the same problems? Crap, hope I didn't start a trend. What do you remember Dylan?"[/color]