[@CrystalCHTriple] - additions of major kingdoms, I probably will not allow. I will allow major noble houses in the various kingdoms, as well as independent city states along the border between Edessa and the Varyan Empire. Any island 'kingdoms' would be fairly primitive indigenous peoples, though a noble family that has 'claimed' an island and established themselves on it wouldn't be unheard of- they'd likely be of Varyan descent, as most of the islands and second continent are located off of Varya's coast. As far as magic, it is only a belief that magic is hereditary, and for the most part, if two parents are mages, they can be fairly confident, but not certain that their child will also be a mage. I will not say if it is effected by any other factors however- gotta preserve some sort of mystique. EDIT: As a note, while I will allow the creation of nobles and noble families, I would rather not everyone's character be of noble birth.