[@Divinity] Benedict Longinus, also known as Bennett also known as Doppler, also known as Long Ben. In a past life he was a God of Greed. His envy of others possessions was so great that he tried to steal the powers from greater gods. This angered the gods and his power was stripped from him, and he was stricken down to reincarnate as a mortal for all eternity. Benedict is the most recent reincarnation, and the greedy envious personality of the Greed God still lingers strongly. When The Event took place, the Greed God's power was returned, at least to some degree. Benny steals the power and visage of the person he is fighting. Almost. When he touches your flesh with his flesh, his face and body take on your features. But instead of just taking them, it merges them with his own, giving him a haunting and uncanny visage. As the theft of your visage is incomplete, so is the theft of your power. It isn't permanent, he always needs to hunt for more supers to leech off of. Nor is it a perfect facsimile of the power. Fire breathers who can create dragons with their flame give him the ability to breathe fire to the same degree, but not as refined or practiced. Obviously powers that he has experienced more than once are easier. Doppler is his current alias, but originally it was Doppelganger. He shortened it for personal reasons.