Micky made his way to his third class, Math. There wasn't anything interesting going on in math, at least, nothing Micky found interesting. It was your average class routine; Review the homework, complete a work sheet out of the text book, than finish off with more assigned homework. Nothing special. Micky didn't realize how quickly the day was going now that his hardest class, Phys. Ed, was now over. Math flew by and the bell eventually rang, indicating it was lunch. Micky wlked down the halls and made his way to his locker where he would grab the few dollars he had for lunch. I't would be a strong argument to say that the lunch food wasn't worth paying for, but Micky had no other choice. Other than the Roof over his head and food on the table, Micky was quite independent. Micky didn't make his own lunch, not for any specific reason. The change jingled in his pocket as he walked through the halls and into the cafeteria. He got a bit nervous when he realized how much noise his money was making. In the past, he had numerous incidents where bullies would hassle him for his money. It happened only once at this school by a boy named Largent. Of course, the amount of money he had wasn't a big enough pot for Largent to want it, but the thought still remained. Realistically, that incident with Largent might never happen again, but with a past like Micky's you can never be to paranoid. Micky walked into the cafeteria and saw the scene that was unraveling. [color=aba000] "Speak of the devil..."[/color] Micky whispered to himself. He joined the crowed of gawking students, shuffling his way to the front of the crowed. He recognized the boy opposite of Largent, although his name was a mystery to Micky. Regardless, of who the boy was, this was a scenario you wouldn't wish on your enemy. [color=aba000]"The boy's a dead man"[/color] Micky said, His words getting mixed in with those of all the other students.