Thin, pale fingers stilled on the glowing screen from the harsh swipes of her gloved hand as Reaper’s search for Dr. Stagelson’s emergency number came to an abrupt pause. The slight noise of the boy’s incoherent, feverish words caused the vigilante to lift her gaze to look to the small child in front of her, one hand leaving the phone to reach out for him. When his eyes snapped open she paused, hand halfway out stretched only to jump when he scrambled back as though she were an actual reaper. That was wrong though – he hadn’t even looked. Not at any of them. The fearful reaction was ingrained, a reaction as natural as his eyes weren’t. A boiling shot of anger flooded Reaper’s chest and the moving shadow around her feet bristled akin to a threatened animal. Against her will, without thinking, the shadow at her feet began to stretch up and around her frozen legs and the front of the stage, sliding over the top as a shadow began to reach out from it towards the boy, reaching for distressed child like her own hand, left hanging in the air. As soon as her eyes caught it Reaper’s eyes widened amidst her mask, and she abruptly stepped back as though physically yanking the shadows back to her, hand falling limply at her side. They retreated back to her shadow, which continued to wisp and curl angrily up to her knees. A few more steps back put distance between them before Reaper tore her gaze away. As much as she desired to help the obviously hurting boy - it was evident even in the way her powers reacted - she wasn’t exactly the mothering type. ‘[i]Breathe.[/i]’ Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply through her nose Reaper then slowly exhaled, and when she opened her eyes the black of her pupils had begun to seemingly leak outward like a spiraling spiderweb, flooding the steel-blue and whites of her eyes until only black remained. Her now dark gaze swept along the wall of the auditorium to settle on the returning Wraith and take in her words that held little comfort. Eyeing the bracelet for a moment Reaper glanced away only to turn her attention outward, brows furrowing under her mask as she sought to find any beacons detached from the writhing mass of the city, directly around them in the city block. It was only their own. “There’s no one else around, at least not that I can sense,” The redhead finally muttered gruffly, her fingers finding their way upward to rub at the back of her neck in agitation. “I think we’re alright for now, but they might’ve been followed before … whoever that belonged to split off.” Reaper's teeth grit beneath the mask as she glanced over her shoulder, watching the others. Turn Back and Omega seemed to be attempting to handle it. Giving them space was best. The boy probably felt cornered between all of them, not to mention Ecto behind him. Reaper raised her brow as he gaze caught sight of the 'ghost' before tearing her gaze away and taking a few more steps towards the entrance. There was little use hovering. "If I'm right though, this place might have been compromised."