Sayuri sighs looks over at the Manakete as they were about to leave. Their exchange had left a bad taste in her mouth. Sighing again she walks over to the Manakete, [color=990000]"I... Apologize... For insulting you earlier. Though I do stand by most of what I said I do have a couple things to clarify however, especially if you think a Manakete would never breed with a human. That's an arrogant thought. Skyborn Island is full of Human and Manaketes interbreeding. It's not strange. I am Half-Manakete. My Mother was a Manakete. I was raised on an Island of Manakete until I was 8 or 9 then moved mainland,"[/color] She looks to the horizon with a blank expression, [color=990000]"But then again... What gives someone the right to think they know what someone without even learning anything about them,"[/color] she starts to walk away but pauses to say one last thing, [color=990000]"Here's something to think about for the next time we speak. Manakete can be just as cruel or evil as humans. We're not automatically good,"[/color] she walks over to her horse and mounts it making it obvious that she wanted to cool off some more before a full discussion started between them again. She raises her arm for Tsugi to land on and begins stroking her absentmindedly.