Ditch had whipped around hearing the boy's cry, but had not made any move as the others instantly ripped off their masks and bandannas, trying to gain his trust. Ditch stood frozen, tired eyes locked on the boy but making no move. Wraith entered, and raised the bracelet. Ditch's eyes widened, jaw dropping. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck, fucking shit, oh fuck, oh no.." Ditch grabbed the bracelet right out of Wraith's hands and closely inspecting it. The boy lowered his hands from over his head, now actually getting a good look at the rag-tag group of vigilantes. He looked no less terrified, but now at least attempting to understand them. He stared at the items Jason presented him with, too afraid to even take them from him. When the energy absorbing vigilante charged the various nuts with power, causing them to burst with fire, he let out another screech of fear. It seemed that all their attempts only furthered his state of panic. He was breathing and panting heavily, trying to calm himself down, when he glanced behind him and saw Ecto. Another startled cry as he took a few steps back, but now it felt like he was being cornered. And then Reaper's shadow hand reached out. If the boy had been terrified before, his eyes were now alive with fear as it reached towards him, crying and screaming, tears streaming down his face as he ran into Ecto and held tightly onto the man's shirt, sobbing so hard it hurt to look at him, and trembling visibly as well. Ditch's attention on the bracelet fell away and she rushed towards the stage, pushing past TB and Manny, jumping right up next to Ecto and the child. Ditch gazed at Ecto, before touching the boy's backside gingerly. "Hey.. I swear we're not gonna hurt you, okay?" She said gently. He continued to cry into the ghost vigilante, though slightly less. He broke away from Ecto, head turning slightly to look at Ditch with red, puffy eyes, and his gaze fell on the bracelet in her hand. He instantly stopped crying, tears still sliding down his face, looking aghast. "Please, please don't put the bracelet on me, please, please I'll do anything, anything you want, I'll talk to the ghost again, I'll do it, please, please.. please.." He begged, voice empty. Ditch, looked at the bracelet, and back at the boy. "No.. no, we're not going to.. no." The bracelet fell from her fingertips, and she raised her foot, crushing it beneath her boot. The boy looked at Ditch in awe. "You're safe here. Just like they said." She promised. "Okay? You don't have to be afraid of them -- I know the masks look scary.. but they're good people. All of them. We were trying to help you." She hoped she was close to at least calming him down, and that was when he shook his head. "I need to go, you can't.. he'll come, and he'll hurt me, and he'll hurt you." Ditch blinked, kneeling down to be eye-level with him. "Tell me who, and we'll make sure he never touches you again. I swear." He shook his head again. "We only want to help you, that's all we want. I promise you, whoever did this, you'll never see them again." She meant it, and he had to see it in her eyes. "[i]Umbra.[/i]" He whispered.