[@Iatos] [h3][color=f26522]Zaru the Chimchar[/color] [color=007236]Valiant Village[/color] - [color=0054a6]Spirit's Guild[/color][/h3] As the other guild members started filling the room, he fell silent. He then turned his gaze to their guildmaster who was at the front now. Hm, a new outlaw? Flash the Scizor and five stars priority? How powerful is that pokemon? Well it didn't matter much to the young Chimchar, he certainly wasn't going to go out and take the outlaw down, that was way out of his league. Now his brother was a different story, Rick could probably take him down if he had a team with him. His mind suddenly flew to his brother, wondering where he might be now. Still alive, he hoped. His attention snapped back to Spirit when he mentioned that he and Milton would head to the Central Plaza. Several guild members looked at him and Milton and frankly, the Chimchar was kind of used to the attention. Some were looks of disappointment while others seemed impressed by his stupid bravery for whatever he did. Either or, it wasn't something to be proud of. Although this was the first time being summoned to the Central Plaza of all places. When Milton strode to his side, he nodded. [color=f26522]"To be honest, I'm quite curious on what will happen."[/color] He admitted. Zaru then followed Milton towards the Central Plaza, chuckling silently at his Zorua friend who was imitating a drum sound to make the 'execution' more realistic. Admittedly, the idea of an execution is quite a horrifying one but since it didn't happen in this time and age anymore, he was quite sure they could joke about it. Although nothing about Zaru looked like he was in shame, he still had that easygoing and calm expression on his face and still not nervous. He then snickered. [color=f26522]"What do you think will he make us do?"[/color] He asked silently. Surely there was some sort of punishment and he wanted to know what Milton felt about that. However his mind suddenly went back to the other two troublemakers. They weren't the only ones who stayed up late. [color=f26522]"Wonder how Rico and Lulu are doing..."[/color] He said worriedly. Lulu was injured wasn't she? The thought of them escaped him while he conversed with the three outsiders but because he and Milton were alone, the thought decided to make its reappearance. [color=f26522]"I hope Lulu didn't get too hurt..."[/color] The two were juniors after all, younger than both him and Milton, so technically, as someone close to their age and has even been with them sometimes, he was worried.