[hider=Lusso Scaglietti, Crow Witch] [b]Name:[/b] Lusso Scaglietti [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/e1GfPxH.jpg[/img] Height: 159 cm | Weight: 48 kg [hider=Alt.] [img]http://i.imgur.com/05GXFLC.png[/img] [/hider] [/center] [b]Personality:[/b] Lusso is a girl that seems to always be thinking about something distant, or cryptic, maybe because of her nature as witch. She usually speaks little and most of what she says maybe complicate to understand, but she can eventually open up to others if she spends enough time with them. If left to her own devices, however, Lusso will default to some sort of contemplation, more often than not, reading or tending to her ravens. [b]Fear(s):[/b] The unknown, specifically the uncertainty of her past... the fact that she may not be who she thinks she is. Essentially, of losing her notion of self. [b]Ability:[/b] Lusso is a witch, whose skills involve things like creating magic potions, elixirs and stuff, cursing people, controlling evil spirits, setting magic barriers & fields, divination (generally using a tarot deck) and rune magic. Her specially is summoning ravens, though these aren't normal ravens but supernatural beings more akin to demons or familiars that have a high intelligence and are even able to hurt other magical beings. Lusso can also do other things connected to her ravens, like summoning their feathers to use her darts, or create ghostly echoes of their cawing, among other tricks. [b]Short History:[/b] A mysterious girl who simply woke up on the mansion, Lusso knows very little about her own past, there's even the chance of her not being human to begin with. What she knows though is that she is witch and seemed to have been persecuted for her craft by people on the outside world. There's also a vivid memory (or is it a dream?) about crows, many, no... countless ravens flocking around her; maybe she was little at that time? It all seemed so big and awe inspiring. To this day Lusso still can see and hear the raven's cawing and wing beat whenever she closes her eyes, but... what was that? Who she is? Even, why she's here? No, these questions Lusso doesn't know the answer for and probably never will. [b]Other:[/b] Carries a mysterious key that she knows that is a memento from someone important to her, but up to now no doors she ever tried it on got unlocked, the key is also an amulet that seems to amplify her magic almost as if it was some sort of magic wand. Whenever she casts a spell the key shines with a ghostly blue aura. It's not uncommon to find raven feathers scattered around places where she passed by even if she has not used her magic at all. [/hider]