[@The Elvenqueen] [Center] [h2] [color=pink] Alyssa Samara Chase [/color] [/h2] She sighed a bit and shook her head.[color=pink] "I don't know." [/color] She stated to the confidence reply. She ran her hair through her hair as she answered the next one,"Something with a goat?" She asked raising an eyebrow somewhat confused. 'Could that be right?' She wondered to herself. She didn't know where that idea came from at all though. Once they were finished, she sighed as she shook her head. She stood up and placed the piece of paper in her the book back in her bag.[color=pink] "Thanks." [/color] She said.[color=pink] "Well, I'm going to go unpack and go to sleep, piece." [/color] She then took her trunk and went into the dorms. She picked her bed, one of the ones next to the window. Throwing her suitcase on the bed she unpacked all of her stuff, which meant stuffing all of her robes and stuff in the draw and placing her books on top of the night stand. Once she was done she stuffed her suitcase to the side. She jumped on the bed and pulled the covers over her. She soon drifted off to sleep. She woke up the next morning and sat up. She huffed slightly and sighed. Shaking her head she pulled out her schedule to see what class they had first. [Color=pink] "Uhg! Potions."[/color] She mumbled to herself. She pushed herself out of bed and got dressed, throwing on the Hogwarts uniform. She quickly gathered up her stuff and headed out of the door along with a few others. It was the first actual school day, she didnt want to get detention yet. She went to the class and set her stuff down in one of the seats in the back of the room. At the moment she was alone there but she knew that wouldnt last long. She shrugged as she waited for t room to fill up.[/center]