[@Ninian][@Shiny Keldeo] [h2][color=darkturquoise]Devon[/color][/h2] [b][Route 701 Pokémon Center][/b] Devon pushed his plate to the side to rest his crossed arms at the table once the other Trainer's sat down and gave their introductions. The brown haired teen dressed in dark blue gave a nod and smile to them both. [color=darkturquoise]"Lily and Brent huh? I'm Devon. And your brother bred your Cyndaquil Brent? That's pretty cool. Fire-types are apparently hard to breed, so your brother must be pretty good at his job."[/color] Devon then got distracted by the Shaymin currently orbiting Shinon's head, the boy still in awe at such a rare Pokémon being right there before his eyes. Lily's question to him finally broke his focus, and caused him to look over at the girl with a grin. [color=darkturquoise]"Actually, I'm from Goldenrod too! Sorta. I live with my Mom there for half of every year, then I move in with my Dad in Hearthome City for the rest of it. You ever been to Hearthome Lily?"[/color]