[quote=@Starfall] [@MelonHead] Joking aside the only time I feel a character deserves to be called OP is when you have to start including specific caveats in your skillset to avoid dying to them the instant they appear. Everything else is a matter of scale and skill to me. That said I'm a huge fan of Blythe and I've been nagging Nega to dance with her for a while. [/quote] Being overpowered is contextual, pure and simple. In this context, someone who can't be physically overpowered, regenerates, has a super-suit and what basically equates to a hulk form, is overpowered. Blythe is literally the definition of a character you need specific caveats in your skillset to avoid dying to the instant they appear, her physicality is such that only a pure tank character can survive a single direct blow from her. I mean, she's not that great at range, but it's not exactly like she is slow either. It's not a problem being overpowered, it just means you'll have difficulty finding a fight. Imagine if Liu had to fight Blythe? What could he do exactly? Lol.