[quote=@LeeRoy] [@Starfall] Benny works by creating a facsimile of the power. Sometimes this is ridiculously strong. Example. Fury's energy powers, sans the lunacy. [/quote] I think Fury would actually break a copy-cats abilities, he has a very strange power-set. Naturally, the Fireen have an ability called Antireen control, which is basically the ability to convert an internal energy source into external effects. However, though Fury has always had the potential to do everything he can do, he has never had a great enough internal energy source to do it (nor the knowledge). His energy comes from the Void, the evil monster-spirit thing fused with his body. Would a copy-cat try and replicate the Void so that they could use Fury's powers, or would they make-do with their own energy source or clone Fury's base energy source? In theory replicating the Void is impossible, (and it would also be a terrible idea) but the alternative is to burn through your own energy to use his moves, and they're not that special really. Also, Fury's energy drain comes from the Void. It's hard to say exactly what a copy-cat could steal from him.