[center][img]http://mypst.com.br/media/game/NPWR00802_00/full-trophy_0.png[/img][/center] The boy was responding just very slightly to the attempts at calming him. He was still absolutely terrified, but could sense that he wasn't necessarily in danger. Manny had dealt with a few traumatized kids at the hospital, and he knew that this boy's whole worldview was warped. If they were gonna get anything from him, they would have to use a good bit of finesse... ...And just like that, they're chances took a nosedive. For some reason, Reaper had lashed out at the boy as he scrambled away and scared the daylights out of him. Manny wasn't sure why she'd done that after being the first to start helping the kid, but it made him a bit weary if the shadow manipulator. The kid immediately dove into Ecto’s shirt, and went into an all-out panic. [color=a0410d][i][b]Yep, we're screwed.[/b][/i][/color] And if that wasn't enough, Wraith had returned with some sort of bracelet. [color=7bcdc8]"Umbra's mark. Found it at the end of the alley. There's every chance that Ditch's little rescue mission didn't go unnoticed."[/color] Manny turned his head in Wraith’s direction wearing more of a surprised look than he may have intended. He saw how frantic Ditch had gotten over the news, and he was most certainly in the same boat. When she pushed passed him to get to the boy, he thought that there might still be a bit of hope when the kid stopped crying so hard. But his reaction to the Umbra bracelet had completely changed the game. "Please, please don't put the bracelet on me, please, please I'll do anything, anything you want, I'll talk to the ghost again, I'll do it, please, please.. please.." [color=a0410d][i][b]He had that bracelet[/b][/i][/color] [color=a0410d]on[/color] [color=a0410d][i][b]him? I'm not sure what it does, but if it has to do with Umbra, it's obviously not good. And what was that bit about talking to ghosts? Is that his power? We have[/b][/i][/color] [color=a0410d]got[/color] [color=a0410d][i][b]to calm this kid down so we can get some answers.[/b][/i][/color] Ditch then proceeded to crush the bracelet underfoot, hoping that would gain a bit more trust from the boy, but he still didn't fold. Instead, he started to warn them about some potential threat. "I need to go, you can't.. he'll come, and he'll hurt me, and he'll hurt you...[i]Umbra.[/i]" [color=a0410d][i][b]Of course...of all the things to be dealing with right now, Umbra himself isn't exactly at the top of my list. If this kid had been attacked by Umbra, how did he escape? Is this a setup? Did the boy get dumped just so he'd be found? Is our secret hideout really a secret?[/b][/i][/color] Manny made his best attempt to wash away the bewilderment that had taken over his mind, and return to his comforting manner. First order of business was to win the boy's trust. He slowly approached Ditch and the kid, and lowered himself to their level. [color=a0410d][b]“She's right, kid. We may have gotten off to bad start here, but you gotta trust us. Umbra or no Umbra we're gonna protect you, ok? You really are with the good guys.”[/b][/color] Manny motioned to the crushed bracelet and gave the boy a reassuring nod.