[b]Mark Taylor[/b] [b]Note:[/b] [list] [*]This character's main purpose is to act as a sort of character "liaison" between the host and the PCs. [*]He will provide "exposition" -- information, ideas, and hints -- in the form of conversation. [*]He will not be a "leading" character but will be a "follower" instead. [/list] [b]Place in the story:[/b] [list] [*]Owner-Operator, "Henry's Tavern and Brewery" (Portland, Oregon). [*]Electrician, US Navy (Retired): 1990-2010. [*]Divorced (twice). [*]Adult daughter, whereabouts unknown but somewhere in Portland. [/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [list] [*]44 years old. [*]5'8", 200#; fit but overweight. [/list]