[center][h1][color=92278f]TURN BACK[/color][/h1][/center] Jason paused at the completely adverse reaction from the child, mentally cursing Reaper. He may not have had full control of his powers, and his display may have scared the boy, but his powers at least weren't reminiscent of the person Jason suspected had tortured the child. His suspicions were confirmed a moment later as Ditch ran up and began comforting the child, crushing the bracelet beneath her boot. Jason studied the fragments for a moment, perking up when he heard the word "[i]Umbra [/i]." Jason stepped forward again, kneeling down and shifting the food and drink to his left arm, where his hoodie already was. Now at the boy's level, Jason put on a comforting smile and reached out slowly, offering the boy his real hand. [color=92278f]"Omega's right. You're safe with us. And you're very brave if you dealt with Umbra, little man."[/color] He said quietly. [color=92278f]"And now you've found us. We can help you. We've fought his people before, and we've saved people from him. We can keep you safe."[/color] The boy stared at Jason's outstretched hand, swallowing as one more tear rolled down his already wet cheek. "You .. you saved someone from him?" He choked out, sniffing and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. Jason nodded, keeping what he hoped was comforting eye contact with the boy. [color=92278f]"A lady named Scarlett. She was being chased by his people. She was hurt. We saved her, and she's getting better now. And a man called Wall Walker. We warned him they were after him, and he got away from them."[/color] Jason stopped his story before the mention that Walker was later captured by MCPD. [color=92278f]"We helped them. And we'll help you. Food and water, shelter and warmth. And we'll keep you safe."[/color] The boy sniffed again, blue eyes staring into Jason's. "And you're gonna... you're gonna help me too?" His lip curled. "I don't want to go back, don't make me go back." He looked down at the floor, sniveling. Jason nodded again, setting his hand gently on the boy's shoulder. [color=92278f]"We're going to help you. You'll be safe. He's not going to get you, you don't have to go back."[/color] Jason's mind ran through the possibilities, where they could put the boy, where he would be safe. Emma, he thought, could care for him. He didn't want to bring her into this, but she could deal with people better than himself, and loved kids. Nobody would think to look for him there either. [color=92278f]"Can you tell us your name, little man?"[/color] He flinched as Jason laid a hand on his shoulder, but not making many move to run away, though he did seem antsy. His gaze traveled past Jason, looking behind him. "..your mom says she misses you." He mumbled. Jason's breath hitched in his throat as he pulled his hand away from the boy. Of anything he had expected, that wasn't even on the list. [color=92278f]"My... What? What did you say?"[/color] His voice began to waver as he felt a lump rise in his throat, the mention of his mother had taken him off guard. "..your mom." His gaze fell on Ditch. "And your dad. They won't.. leave me alone 'till I tell you." He rubbed his eyes. "Why do you all have so many ghosts?" [color=92278f]"I..."[/color] Jason was at a loss for words as he looked around the base for any signs of a trick. With all that had happened, the crazy things they had seen, this shouldn't shock him... But it did. [color=92278f]"I'm sorry buddy... We didn't know we had... Ghosts. Thank you though, for sharing that message."[/color] He set down the hoodie and food in front of the child and turned to Ditch. [color=92278f]"I need to go for a second. I'll be back."[/color] Ditch swallowed, watching Jason freeze up. She looked like she wanted to stop him, but only nodded meekly in response when he said he needed a second. "Yeah.. don't.." She croaked, looking down. "Don't go too long." [color=92278f]"I swear, I'll be just a minute."[/color] Jason muttered as he backed away and ran out the door into the rain. He kept running until he was down the street, far enough away that he thought anyone watching wouldn't connect him to the others. He kicked a light post and cried out, though out of fear, frustration, or pain even he didn't quite know. He dropped to his knees and pounded the sidewalk with his fists, his eyes stinging with tears. He didn't know why the mention of his mother had affected him so much, but it had, and there was no other way to deal with it now. A moment later, his frustration vented, Jason got to his feet shakily, his breathing heavy and erratic. He looked up at the dreary sky and wiped away the tears mixing with the raindrops. [color=92278f]"... Momma?"[/color] He asked quietly, clenching his fists. [color=92278f]"I... I know it's been awhile since I talked to you... I didn't think you could hear me... But maybe you can. I love you, Momma. I miss you every day. I think about you all the time. And if that was you... Thank you for finding a way to talk to me. But Momma, I need to ask you for something. That little boy is so scared. He's even more scared than I was after... After what happened to you. I want to talk to you Momma. But that boy needs peace first... I don't even know if you can hear me, but if you can... Be a Momma to him right now. Ask the others, if there are any, not to bother him for now. They can all say what they want to after we help him. Because that's what we're gonna do."[/color] Sniffling a little, Jason steeled himself and said goodbye, turning back to the warehouse and making the trek back.