[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Raze%0A&name=OPTILothario-Medium.ttf&size=80&style_color=04701F[/img][/center] Raze had closed his eyes as he leaned against a nearby wall. Up to date, there was nothing in this world that entertained Raze more than a good fight. When he was engaged in a battle with someone close to his ability, where the outcome was not in the favor of either combatant, he couldn't help but smile. This was why life was worth living, this was why he was born. But that feeling... had not been felt in a while now. Though he was young, so very young, he had started to pull ahead of all the others he was given a chance to spar with. It was not like he could wipe the floor with everybody, but as long as he paid attention and put his focus solely on the battle, he was certain to win. This did make him happy at first. It was a clear sign he had great potential. Some of these people he could beat were experienced men close to twice his age, so that meant he could feasibly become a legend, right? And his ego did so love that part. Thinking that he could be written about in books as the greatest warrior his land had ever seen.... well, who wouldn't be happy about that? There were two obstacles to that goal, of course, but it wasn't like he could just challenge a khan to a fight whenever he wanted. But more importantly... fights had become less fun for him. Knowing the ending to a book diminished the entertainment from it, fights were the same. The only people he personally knew of weren't free all the time, and he was pretty confident the West Khan would not prove to be an equal fight. He would have to get much, much stronger before that fight. [b]"Hey, the East Khan is here, Raze!"[/b] Raze opened his eyes. Today, as far as Raze and the other warriors were concerned, was nothing special up to this point. Another day of sparring, drinking, and then more sparring. Except that the East Khan had interrupted them before they got to the drinking part. This was certainly interesting. Maybe she would allow him to fight her? That would certainly cure his boredom and maybe help him improve. [b]"I'm going to meet up with the Shepherds and aid them in their quest to stop those damn Church of Naga idiots. I need someone to come with me, to be my Champion. Which one of you is willing to risk everything for a cause like the Shepherds?"[/b] Raze wasn't surprised that many of his fellow warriors offered their blades to fight as a champion of the khan. But he would be damned if they would take such a chance away from him! It was a chance to not only finally be her champion, but to escape Ferox and possibly fight worthy foes. A perfect example of a win/win situation. After the initial outburst of offers, Raze made his way to the front of the group that had formed, and demanded silence with his determined and cocky tone. [color=00a651]"Choose me! You could not find a warrior here who could best me in single combat and I live for a good fight. I would gladly give my blade and soul to fight as your champion, so there is simply no better option than myself."[/color]